Play Ball | Teen Ink

Play Ball

November 24, 2012
By KirbyC BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
KirbyC BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After a demoralizing defeat on a Friday night in Boston against BLU, the RED scouts walk back to the locker room. Everyone blamed the loss on Bill after he struck out with bases loaded to end the game. Dirty and tired they hit the showers. While Bill was in the shower, Roger and a couple other scouts pulled a prank on him by taking his uniform, baseball, bat, and hat and hiding them all around the locker room. After Bill discovers this and exclaims, “Frickin’ unbelievable.” He grabs a towel and searches the locker room for any suspects as he mutters “This sucks on ice.” He hears laughter just outside the door. There should have been no doubt in Bill’s mind that Roger was the culprit. Roger taunts Bill while his friends laugh. Bill swings back, “"Yeah, why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy?” Roger gets up, but his friends stay back. "Ya got anything smart ta say now?" Without hesitation Bill responds "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!" Its a stalemate as the two stare each other down waiting to see who will throw the first punch. Bill grunts in frustration and walks away, grabbing his clothes and gear from behind the door where they were poorly hidden. Bill takes the long walk to RED base and explains his story to the RED team. They take him in and give him a starting spot at the next match up between BLU. With his past experiences with Roger fueling his rage, Bill takes revenge and goes on to dominate the opposing team.

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