The Lion King | Teen Ink

The Lion King

January 24, 2013
By Anonymous

“RUN!!!!!!” Exclaimed by brother. We discovered a tiger in the nearby woods of Harley Oak Street. I stood there. Watching the tiger chase around my brother. When he was gone deeper into the woods with the wild cat following. I said “I should have followed him.” “Remember what your father told you,” said a voice behind me, causing me to jump. It was my uncle. “Being peaceful and calm is a virtue amongst the wild.” My father. He sacrificed himself in the battle two years ago against the lion king. To save me. My family. Though he did not have to, he fought for us -- for our survival -- but the lion king thrashed him, and his friends that supported him. “Come now, we must get home. Your mother is waiting for you.” I follow him back to the our sleeping hole further down in the forest, a den if you must describe it more specifically.” My mother was waiting, pacing around this hole. “Ah, there you are. Where is your brother?” “I look at my uncle with a face indicating that my complete speechlessness as my mind cannot gather how to create a explanation to my mother in a way that will cause her to remain calm. “He will be returning shortly,” responded my uncle. Astonished, I look at my uncle. “W-what?” He nodded in response to my confusion. We gathered over to the food my mother hunted down. Four rabbits. “Yum.” I said as a bent down to taste one. Then, as I was eating, something leaped over my head. I turn around to an unexpected surprise. My brother. “How was your adventure?” I ask still surprised. I could tell my brother was not paying attention. After all was said, a moment of silence came. My brother broke this moment of silence will a howl that costed a majority of his energy. “HOW-OOL!!!!” He said, and then, silence. Three minutes later, I hear thunder. “Strange, I don’t see any clouds.” Then I continue walking, and see a crowds of lions charging furiously at us. “Oh... my.... GOSH!!!!!!” My family and I run as fast as we could, but my brother went toward them. “ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!?!?” I exclaimed. He continued charging at them, and ended up in a fight with a lion, who he had beaten up head to tail causing the lions to be even more furious with him. He sprinted right past us before we could recognize he was running. “Oh my goodness gracious lord give this child some BRAIN!!!” my mother exclaimed. We ran after him, and he lions ran after us. Through the deep forest in the bright white moonlight, until we could not run any longer. This is, because, we fell. Fell into a deep dark hole in middle of the forest that blinded our eyesight in every direction. My mother, and brother are fast asleep, and my uncle went to investigate deeper areas in this whole. I hear some slow, quiet growling. Then a paw, on my back scratching me deep into the fur. “AH!!!” I exclaimed with the painfully strong discomfort I felt as the paw scratched deeper and deeper... and then, my uncle comes back with a torch. “OH.......MY..... W-WHAT IN H-HEAVEN’S NAME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I am greatly astonished, as I would have never guessed who I just met. A huge lion, with golden fur, and rich brown-colored mane. He wears a crown made of gold, and jewels all around...... THE LION KING. “Hatway siay ouryay amenay?” Speaks his majesty. “Uh... yo no hablo espanol? “???” No comment, yet an extremely confused look was expressed as his majesty stared down at me. I back away slowly, he follows. I charge with great will to make it out of this hole. He follows, then holds me by the tail with his sharp claws. “H-HOOOOOOWL!!!!!!” I howled as my brother did when he attracted the lions. “What the heck are you doing?” Asks my sibling who was awakened by the howl. “What type of question is that?!? I have a dang lion holding my tail, and you are just sleeping, wake up, and ask what I am doing?!?!?!?” “Oh, good night.” The lion then directed his attention to my brother whom apparently was out of it already. The lion pets his head. “Hmm?” responds my brother, looks up and sees the golden royal king smiling at him. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!” He sprinted deeper into the land. I just noticed that my mother was gone. “Mother?” “I’m right here.” I turn around and see she and my uncle were watching silently. “What are we going to do now?” “Well firstly,” my uncle said “we must figure out a way to communicate with his majesty.” “It’s pig latin.” said a soft voice coming from around the corner of the cave. My mom, uncle and I looked at each other silently. The young lioness came walking toward us. “Who are you?” I asked “Where is this place? Why is the lion king here? What was he saying?” “One question at a time, Jesse.” My mother told me. “It’s okay, madam. I will explain everything. Please, follow me.” “We followed her through a door that led into a comfortable, well-lit part of the underground cave with a royal red rug running all the way up to gray rock stairs that seemed to be polished. Up on those stairs was like a living room humans live in, it had a fireplace shaped like a part of a hemisphere, and was attached to the wall. It had a door with bars that could open and close to add in more wood, if necessary. It had a red-orange colored flame burning and making a wonderful crackling sound at the moment. There were three identical red couches with two red cushions of equivalent size on each couch. One on either side of the fireplace facing each other, and one couch facing the fireplace. In the center was a table made out of wood, and had a golden yellow tint. Please, be seated. I jumped onto the couch facing the fireplace, along with my mother. My uncle sat on the couch left of the fireplace, and the lioness sat on the couch to the right. “My name is Liona. I am the niece of the Lion King. The whole royal family speaks in pig latin. I apologize for my uncle’s fierce personality toward the other cub that was chased by him. I assure you, he will be safe.” “Oh don’t worry about it. My brother always gets himself into ridiculous positions in which he ends up being chased. That is actually the reason why we ended up in here.” Liona was laughing quietly. “What’s so funny?” She signals me to turn around, and I notice my brother glaring at me furiously, like he is about to pounce on me. “I don’t care what you plan on doing right now, because I am being totally honest. You are totally immature and keep on getting yourself into unnecessary trouble causing us to run. “GROWL!!!” said my brother, and in came the lion king. My brother pointed at me. Within two seconds, his majesty has pounced on me. “Houtay, haltsay ebsay blieratedoay!” shouted Liona. The lion king broke into pieces of gold. “He’ll turn back” explained Liona. “What just happened?” I asked “Cast a spell causing him to be obliterated, broken into pieces. Aren’t I right, sir?” Liona asked looking at my brother.” “Yeah, so? What does it have to do with you?” “Don’t try pretending like you weren’t here two days ago and casted a spell on him before.” “My son knows pig latin?” asks my mother in extreme astonishment. “ZUMBRO!!!!!” exclaimed my mother. “What?” “Where in heaven’s name did you learn pig latin? You know it is against our tradition to learn anything to do with the lion king’s lifestyle. Your father died, DIED by their hands, and you come over here, and accept them?!?!!?!?!?!? If you do not forget pig latin by tomorrow, that being 12AM, midnight, mister YOU ARE SO NOT GOING TO SEE YOUR MOTHER’S FACE AGAIN!!!!!!!! My mother walked out toward the entrance to the cave, the way we fell in. “What did I do?” asked Zumbro, my brother. “Don’t worry child, said my uncle. Your mother may not forgive you, but one must face reality. It is your decision whether to accept or reject the lions. I say they are not as horrible as your mother sees them. It is only when you argue that they will cause chaos.” “Ahem.” “Oh, sorry Liona” responded my uncle. “So you were saying about Zumbro coming here?” “Yes. He was here two days ago and showed my uncle some wisdom.” Liona explains as she winks to Zumbro. “And what type of wisdom was this, Liona, might I ask.” “Oh i-it was nothing.” Something weird is going on. What happened two days ago?” Why did my brother howl out to the lions today, and run here, out of all places? “Jesse? Jesse. JESSE!!!” I jumped to the call of my uncle. “What?” “Liona is going to show us a room.” “W-wait.” We are staying here? My uncle nodded. “Follow me, please” we followed Liona to a room with a rectangular fireplace also lit with a red-orange flame. The room included a dark brown wooden dresser, and two beds against the same wall of the door facing the fireplace. I jumped on and tried to sleep on the first bed of my life. I closed my eyes, and heard Liona and my brother talking and laughing. “Come on, let’s get to sleep” said Liona. GRRRR!!!!! I can’t believe they are sleeping together. Mother would be pissed if she found out. “Oh she is,” my uncle said. I jump two feet up from the bed astonished and wide eyed. I turned toward my uncle. Y-you read my mind?????? “ It’s what it seems like, isn’t it?” “But wait, you said she is upset about them talking. How would she know if she is by the entrance?” “No, I’m here.” My mother walks toward me. I know what’s going through your mind right now. I know you are extremely confused. I know you have questions to ask of your brother, but please, Jesse try to get some rest -- Good night.” She walked right out the door and turned toward the entrance. “Uncle?” “Yes?” “What happened two days ago?” I asked after recalling my uncle speaking to Zumbro after he returned home the next morning, after a whole night of absence. “I am as clueless as you are right now,” my uncle responded. “UNCLE!!! I HEARD YOU SPEAK TO HIM THE NEXT MORNING! YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW SOMETHING!” “Sorry, child, but I am forbidden from speaking about your brother.” I attempt to sleep for 20 minutes, and then “HIC-CUP! Excuse me.” said my uncle. Two minutes later, “HIC-CUP! Xcuseeay emay.” “What,” I asked in exhaustion. I look at my uncle’s bed. Nobody there. I try getting up from the other side of my bed, and then I see a lion staring right at me in the face. “AAHHHH!!!!!” I ran, I sprinted all the way to the right deeper into the cave, trying to find a way out knowing that the hole isn’t going to help. I Liona’s room, I look in both her and my brother are lions, they start running after me. I ran back the other way trapped by my uncle. I didn’t know what to do, but for some reason my gut made me yell, “BARBCHUSKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” All was then silent. All the lions have collapsed. My mother came running to me. “Oh my dear child!” “Mom, I want to go -- now.” Let’s go, please mom.” My mother nodded, and we headed toward the entrance. “There’s no way we can make it up there, mom” My mother stopped, and slowly turned around. “You know what you said back there?” “I-I saw uncle and Zumbro turn into lions, and Liona too was after me. Then I just yelled something -- something so strange...random...and then they all fell.” My mother shook her head. “No, son. What you said wasn’t random. I want you to think about what you said. That is the only answer that will let you open up this entrance.” I thought, and thought hard, but I couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t even remember what I said. I fell asleep, into a deep sleep. Right there, on the ground below the hole. “B-ba... Baba...Blah.” I said while more than half asleep. “Barb-barbchuska. BARBCHUSKA!” I woke up as swift as the speed of light. “Mom! MOM!!! GET UP I KNOW NOW! I KNOW!!!” “Tell me then, what is it?” “No, not what is it, who is he, where is he?” “Tell me first, who is he?” “You know very well who he is... he’s your husband...father.” “You’ve never met him. Yet you knew his name,” my mother said with a smile. My mother gave me a special, yet very peculiar knife that is very small in size with a blade made out of diamond. “What is this?” “It’s the knife of your very own father.” “He was the grizzly king, who fought for our rights against the lions. Only you can unlock this door. “What door? It’s just a wall,” I said. “Touch the wall with the knife.” My mother instructed. “I tapped the diamond blade to the wall, and many characters appeared carved into the wall. “Go with gut, believe in yourself. Call your father, and end this curse that has been upon him for a century.” “But he’s dead.” “No son, I thought the same.” “Then where is he?” I looked at my mother for a very long time. “Alright, I sighed.” I stood there concentrating on the characters. “Don’t mess up. If you do, the worst will come to life.” “Why can’t you help?” I asked looking at my mother with great interest in getting a response. “Because I don’t know the characters. But you do, deep within. I know you do. The stone of the century says: He who speaks the name of his lord is the chosen one that is to break this spell... you are that one, Jesse.” I spent 5 days, not able to sleep because of the characters in front of me causing me great confusion. I decided to do what I never what I would, and that is meditate. I meditated for nine days, and then I heard a voice in my head, matching these foreign characters together. I go to the wall with my eyes closed, still seeing the pattern of the characters, my hand naturally starts carving into the wall, and then stops. I open my eyes, and the characters slowly disappearing, one by one, with the exception of those that were glowing. When only those characters remained, a strangely familiar voice inside my head said: “Thou shalt walk forward!” I took a step forward up to the wall. The voice continued to repeat, “thou shalt walk forward!” I said to myself, there is a wall in front of me how am I going to walk forward? I hear it still, “THOU SHALT WALK FORWARD!!!!!” I then starting walking forward while holding my breath, and I walked right through the wall, causing it to crumble down to the floor. “Barbchuska!” exclaimed my mother. “Clemenkraustine!” exclaimed Barbchuska through his breath. “But how?” he asked. “Your son” my mother said looking at me. “Our son.” “What did you name him?” asked, well, my father I guess he is. “Jesse,” my mother said. “Jesse.” my dad said walking slowly up to me. “You are the chosen one, my son.” “” My dad, mother and I returned back home. The old home. Where all the bears used to live a century ago. “What’s gonna happen to the ‘lions’?” I whispered to my mother. “They all will return home. They really weren’t lions, they all were bears like us. There was only one true lion... the Lion King.” “The Lion King... so, he’s gone now?” “Absolutely.” My mother nodded and smiled.

The author's comments:
THis piece is about someone who had never had a chance to meet his father as his dad died during the war against the lions while he was still a fetus in his mother's womb. He meets the lions, and ends up in a rather unpleasant situation.

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