Lucky | Teen Ink


April 19, 2013
By Anonymous

It was cold. You know, that icy wind that goes straight through your clothes and skin and chills your bones. I've recently come to the conclusion that life is all about luck. Because of this, I've started doing random things at random times. Because of this, I fell in love.

As the third son in the Ootori family, there isn't much I can do that would impress my father. You see, the first born will carry on the business and the second son will make a name for himself. My older sister doesn't even have to do anything because she's the only female in the family since our mother died. I, however, am the scapegoat. I must always be at the top of my classes, must always look the best, know the right people. Even after all of that, I still don't get any recognition because my brothers did it first.

Apparently, my friends don’t think I get enough down time, so they broke into my bedroom at four in the morning, forced me into a pair of shorts and a shirt, pushed me down the stairs and into the waiting car.

So that’s how I ended up at the beach at o’dark thirty. The place is deserted except for our little group. The cowards had run into the water to hide from my wrath. A warm breeze blows from behind me, heading out to sea.


I turn, gawking at the smaller teen behind me. It’s Tim. TIM! I haven’t seen him since elementary school. He was always being picked on, so I tried to protect him. We stood there for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes.

“Isn't today my lucky day. I was just thinking about you.” I smile at him. That is so Tim.

Seeing as my friends had deserted me, I start to lead Tim to one of the many benches littering the beach. We talked about everything. School, work, home. We had seven years to catch up on. As we walked, Tim took off his shoes and reveled in the feeling of hot sand and water between his toes.

The water was pleasantly warm and I wondered if I dared to ask Tim if he wanted go for a swim later… then again, Tim might not have packed him any swimwear. I hadn't. Tim snorted, wrinkling his nose in amusement.


"Are you aware of what we are doing?"


"We are taking a long walk on the beach."

I was still confused.


"That is such a cliche! You know… personal ads? 'I like long walks on the beach?'"

I snorted. "You have quite a romantic mind, Timmy."

"What?! No! I just thought it was… funny…" He grumbled.

There was a woman next to where we stopped, screaming into her cellphone. Wow, Lady. What did the phone ever do to you? I don’t think the phone was made to go that way. CRUNCH! Told you. Just because your husband just told you he was divorcing you doesn't mean you should take your anger out on unsuspecting technology. Geez Lady, lighten up.

We continue our walk. The soft ocean breeze ruffles our hair and I catch a whiff of Tim's shampoo. Subtle notes of mowing and mango mixed in with strawberry. We stop at the welcome sign at the edge of the sand, centimeters away from the burning asphalt. We stand there as the breeze slows and the sun sets.

The sharp ping of falling stones brings me away from the soothing reds and purples and back to an unpleasant memory. Rat-A-Tat. Rat-A-Tat. Bodies falling. Blood flowing. People screaming. Our teacher telling us to hide under the work tables, colorful cloth hiding us from view. Tim clutched in my arms, face pressed into the crook in my neck, hiding the view.

Blinking back tears, I look over at Tim. Perfect raven hair. Stunning sapphire blue eyes. Full, kissable lips. Gently pulling on a thin wrist, I pull Tim to a stop. His thin brows knit together. Leaning forward, I capture those pale, perfect lips. Mm mm, they taste like cherries. I pull back, trying to gauge the reaction of the smaller raven.

"Everyone deserves at least one good kiss on a beach, don't you agree?"



I’m pulled back down, forcibly meeting the luscious lips again.

Wow. Wasn't it lucky I was dragged to the beach today.

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