Hunger Games 4- Katniss Depressed? | Teen Ink

Hunger Games 4- Katniss Depressed?

May 8, 2013
By jordan_tyler99 BRONZE, Longwood, Florida
jordan_tyler99 BRONZE, Longwood, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Can Do Anything Through God Who Gives Me Strength."

His arms around her waist sent her into a flood of fear. All she saw was blood. All she saw were the games. “Peeta...” Katniss said shaking. Peeta looked up and stared into her clear gray eyes. “Yes Katniss?” She had never told him that every time he touched her, she felt more fear than love. “I must check on our children.” She lied. Peeta smiled, loving the words OUR and CHILDREN put together. As Katniss leaves to sob in there luxury bathroom, she runs into her daughter Prim Rose. “Mommy, where are you going?” Katniss already had the tears flowing in her eyes. “Why did I name you Prim?! It just brings more pain and sorrow into my cold life!” yelled Katniss as she rushed to the nearest bathroom. Prim stood there eyes watering and confused. “Prim, do you know what’s with your mother?” asked Peeta as he strode over to Prim. “No.” said Prim with pouty lips. Peeta walked over to the bathroom. He could hear the pain and depression through the thick oak doors. “Katniss, let me in.” she kept quiet. “Ok.” Katniss said in a whisper. She unlocked the doors and invited Peeta in. “Katniss, talk to me.” Peeta said soothingly. “Every time you touch me, I remember the brutal past, every time I say our daughters name, I want to bawl on floor, Every time you kiss me, I remember the night in the cave. I can’t forget, I could never forget.” Peeta stared, his crystal blue eyes made her melt like goat cheese. “Katniss—“just then Katniss slammed into Peeta chest and stuffed her head into his shoulder. “Peeta, I love you. I hope you know that.” Peeta gripped onto her waist as tight as he could. “I love you too Katniss, more than you will ever know.” She stared at his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that she had stared at every day and every night during the games. When he started to lean in closer, she knew he was made for her. He gave her that bread for a reason. It was his destiny to get her to believe in love, to believe in him. Their lips touched, she could feel the warmth of his glossy pink lips. As she got submerged into the love and passion, she felt freedom. The games were gone from her mind. Katniss was free.

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This article has 1 comment.

KayVegas said...
on Oct. 14 2015 at 1:03 pm
KayVegas, Chapin, South Carolina
0 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I won't give up, no, I won't give in
Till I reach the end, then I'll start again.
No, I won't leave; I want to try everything;
I want to try, even though I could fail."

Wow, they should have added this! The Hunger Games books need a bit of cheering up at the end. :)