It's Not That Easy | Teen Ink

It's Not That Easy

May 16, 2013
By J_Tibble891 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
J_Tibble891 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a freak naturally, just how I want to be, your a freak, just like me- (Freakshow)- Skillet

This is me, Herobrine, Ruler of Minecraft. I worked my way up to the place I am at now. Here’s my story.
June 8, 2013
I don’t know where I am. All I know is that I am in a desert, nothing but weeds and cacti. Everything is made of pixels and blocks. Oh, and whoever is out there, THIS is my journal. So do you mind not reading it whoever finds it. Oh yeah, my name is Steve, if you were wondering. I really have no clue where I am. I'm just sitting here, in an endless world, but, I did find a chest today. There was five blocks of wooden planks, two apples, one loaf of bread, a wooden ax, and a stone pickaxe. I figured out that if you use specific tools with specific resources, it takes less time to get that resource. Like today, I got more wood and made a house with a bed. Well that’s about it for today.

June 9, 2013 Good Morning. This diary is the only thing I have to talk to and it doesn't talk back. Well I have a pickaxe, maybe I should find a cave and start mining. “AWKWARD” OMG, It took me forever to find a cave. In the cave I found, some coal, which can be used as a fuel for burning things, Iron, which can be made into tools like other resources I collected. Well now that I am back at my home I should probably go to bed. Well, Goodnight.

June 10, 2013 Good Morning. I think I am going to go mining again because I tried to mine this one mysterious resource but my pickaxe almost broke when I tried to. I am also going to take the furnace with me just in case I find anything else I didn't mine. I will probably be back in about a couple hours. “AWKA-AWKWARD” OK I’m back. It took me FOREVER to find the resource but I found it. It’s Diamonds. I found out that this, is the strongest resource on Minecraft, and its rare. So I ended up making it into a diamond sword and pickaxe. I keep hearing this hissing outside my house when I am falling asleep. Tonight, I am going to try and find the source of the hissing and make it stop. OH, I can already hear it be right back. OMG! That was the scariest thing in my whole life which is really only about three days but it was scary! There was this green little guy walking around and I thought it was nothing until I walked up to it. It just EXPLODED! He wasn't just one shade of green he was a bunch of different greens. Like a camouflage jacket. I think I going to call him a creeper. Yeah creeper, totally fits the little guy. Well now I can sleep in peace. Good Night!

June 11, 2013 Today, I think I am going to try and find more diamonds. I saw a cave that had a glowing light but, I didn't want to go down in it because I didn't know what was down there, but today, I am going down in that mysterious cave. OK I see the light, wait what is this? It kinda looks like a portal. The portal looks like outer space and you fall into the stars. Well, I have enough stuff to survive anything that portal has to offer so here I go!
Wow, it’s weird down here. It’s filled with blocks that look like sand but they are called End Stone. That’s odd. Oh and this dragon kept shooting fireballs at me, I was so scared. I tried to kill the dragon but the dragon could regenerate it’s health. I think it was because of something on top of these towers made of obsidian, which is a very hard resource that you can’t do anything with except make a nether portal. And just to let you know that is not where I am at now, so yeah. Well I am going to try to get some sleep in The End.

June 12, 2013 Well, I know what I have to do today! I have to try and destroy the little um let’s call them Power Cells that keep reviving the Dragon then I can finally retire as a miner and a Hero. “AWKWARD AGAIN” Well I’m back! Oh I got blood on the paper. Don’t worry, it’s the dragon’s. It turn’s out that the dragon was a Mother just protecting it’s egg. I have the egg now. It has a mesmerizing look that feels like it hypnotizes me. I don’t know what is going on, maybe the faint sparkle is taking over me. When it starts to hurt I look away. Something doesn't seem right. Wait now it’s glowing and shaking. What is going on?! I need HE--.

May 15, 2084 Good thing I found this. I've been looking for this journal forever!! Well crazy things happened. I don’t want to get into too much detail but, what pretty much happened was the Lord of Minecraft, came down from the Heavens to make me the Lord of Minecraft AKA Herobrine. That’s where I lost my journal but I found it and I can’t wait to read my adventure all over again.

The author's comments:
Minecraft is an actual game that I really love to play. When I heard about a project we were doing in class, the first thing that popped into my head was Minecraft.

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