Sinderella | Teen Ink


November 25, 2013
By Mahlik El-Amin BRONZE, East Saint Louis, Illinois
Mahlik El-Amin BRONZE, East Saint Louis, Illinois
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Once upon a time, The Hamptons weren’t as wealthy but, they stayed with money due to constant budgeting. They lived in St. Louis, Missouri and lived in a huge six bedroom house with six bathrooms. The Hamptons’ house included Rosetta, the mother, Harold, the father, and Cinderella, the daughter. Rosetta was a very good mother, wife, and business women. She owned her own bakery business, “Rosetta’s Taste”, and that brought in much income for the Hamptons. Harold worked with Rosetta, and they both loved each other’s company. Harold use to work as a police officer, but Now Cinderella, yes little ole Cinderella was only 13 years old but, had the mentality of an 18 year old. Cinderella would help out in the kitchen at her mom’s bakery. Cinderella had lushes blond hair, pearly white teeth, and darling dark eyes. Cinderella so sweet, so nice, so twisted, and not right. At night she fights the urge to splurge, and the remaining sound of the crash that she heard. The Hamptons were preparing for another day. They were getting ready to head to Fright Fest at Six Flags. They all were excited because it was their first time going to Six Flags and let alone Fright Fest.

Mr. Hampton wakes up yelling “Are you ready? Are you ready? Ready for the thrill, or for the kill? Ready to ride on the rides until you get ill?” “Oh Harold pipe down will yah” Mrs. Hampton said effortlessly. “Hun is thou not happy for such an occasion that is to take place. My daughter screaming her lungs oh so much grace!” said Mr. Hampton. “Well let’s not wait for the time is come so let’s make the day great!” said Mrs. Hampton. Cinderella woke up from downstairs and ran upstairs yelling as well “Are you ready? Are you ready? Ready to scream with all your might on the rides and things that go bump at night.” Laughing, “Cinderella now you sound like your father.” Harold and Cinderella put their foreheads together, “Is thou ready to ride higher than a kite.” said Mr. Hampton. “Yes! Is thou prepared for the swift flight” said Cinderella. “Let’s us now get ready to depart before we be last in line and not at the start.” said Mrs. Hampton.

The family started to head out to Six Flags. The time was five o’clock. Harold drove down 700 Clark Ave which was were the Bush Stadium was located. Harold had begun to drive on the highway. Cinderella was just filled with excitement as they passed the sign that read SIX FLAGS FRIGHT FEST 5 MILES AWAY. Speaking in a funny British accent, “Father are we there yet?” said Cinderella. Speaking in Cinderella’s funny voice, “Just one more mile dear” said Rosetta. The Hamptons finally arrived at the parking lot. “This is it! This is it! Were here!” yelled Cinderella.

The Hamptons parked their car after paying admission for parking, and headed to the entrance. Their belongings had to be checked at the security table, and they finally paid their ad mission to enter into the park. “Wow dad look at that ride it goes loop, loop, twirl, and loop. I’m dizzy from just thinking about it.” said Cinderella. Cinderella wanted to ride the Batman first. She waited in line for almost an hour before arriving to the seating area. Rosetta and Harold were waiting at the exit just when the ride had begun to pull off. Cinderella went crazy through the ride. She hated the feeling of her stomach tightened, the speed of the ride, the yelling, and everything that she was surrounded by. “We need to go home like now” said Cinderella furiously. “Wait hold on what’s the problem.” said Harold. “I just want to go home. I hate this place, I hate this trip, I just hate everything at the moment.” screamed Cinderella.

“You know what? Let’s go” said Harold. “We just got here Harold” said Rosetta “And now were leaving” said Harold. “But I want to get on something” Rosetta said. Harold pulled Rosetta’s coat and said to Cinderella “Hurry up! Will you?” After the Hamptons arrived to the car it was 8 o’clock and pitch dark outside. Harold started the car up, backed out the parking spot, and made his way to the highway. “I don’t want to hear s*** from no one!” yelled Harold. “Just calm down and pay attention to the road sweetie” Rosetta said with fear. Harold looked at Cinderella and said “I mean if you didn’t want to get on the rides why would you ask to come?” “Is it my fault that I didn’t know anything about this place? Did you get on anything? No! You didn’t get on a damn thing! That’s right I can curse too, its ignorant, lazy, and has no class at all, but it’s not hard.” Cinderella cried. Harold and Rosetta looked back at Cinderella in complete shock. “Dad!” yelled Cinderella.

The tempo slowed down as if everything was moving in slow motion. The glass was flying back and forth in slow motion. The huge light was coming forth slowly as well. The heat present in the atmosphere was too much to bear. The sound of the heart beat started to decline slowly until there is nothing. (Horn) Cinderella starts slides from beneath the car to witness a tragedy of a lifetime. (Sirens) An army of medical trucks started to arrive at the scene. Cinderella sat on the back of an ambulance truck getting assistance from two doctors. “Are my parents alright?” Cinderella said in tears. “They are going to be fine” said the doctor. A couple other doctors started to take two long black bags to the other ambulance. “Wait! No!” Cinderella yelled. The doctors struggled to hold back the ferocious Cinderella. “C’mon Cinderella it’s okay, there alright” the doctors said. “No let me go! Let me go!” Cinderella yelled. Cinderella finally broke loose from the doctors. She made her way over to the body bags to see her mom and dad in the most misassembled way ever. Their body was beyond damaged. Severely damaged could only be term to describe the bodies. Cinderella touches the fleshes of both her parents “Oh mom and dad. Sorry mom and dad!” Cinderella cried and yelled. The doctors came behind Cinderella to pull her into the back of one of the police cars. Cinderella sat in the middle of the police car with her hands covered in blood. “Alright so where do we take her?” one of the police said to one of the police men. “Where do we take who?” “The girl in the car man.” The police opened the car door “Cinderella!” the police said in shock. Cinderella recognized the man’s face “Tom?” Cinderella said with little confusion. Thomas Johnson was one of Harold’s best friends. They became buddies back when Harold was a police officer. Tom was black, six feet, and had a mustache. “Yes it’s me Cinderella” said Thomas.

The author's comments:
The fairy tale, Cinderella, influenced me to write this piece of fiction because in the original story it didn't say much about the family before Cinderella was sent to her Aunt's house.

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