Untrusted~A Ross Lynch Fan Fiction Chapter 1 + 2 | Teen Ink

Untrusted~A Ross Lynch Fan Fiction Chapter 1 + 2

December 7, 2013
By Anonymous

I stank.

My arms were coated in grime and my jeans permanently had dirt streaked up the back. My hair’s shine had slowly extinguished and my moisture starved skin felt like sandpaper. There was no conditioner or shampoo in this new unforgiving world. I suppose it was selfish craving moisturizer and just a simple pot of cheap mascara when you were probably one of the last humans alive. But then I always had been selfish back when it wasn’t a luxury.

The rain trickled down from the poisoned heavens as I walked slowly back to my ‘home’. I chuckled a bitter laugh that echoed through the abandoned concrete jungle as I pictured my tent probably knee deep in water, mud and god knows what else.

As I walked I noticed I had become accustomed to the reeking stench of the dead that clogged your nostrils and stopped searching the melting faces for people I knew. Everyone I cared about was dead anyway.

It was cold and it seeped through the worn away fabric of my hoody and crept through gaps in my t-shirt. Its stripes were faded and it was covered in stains I couldn’t get out. It wasn’t as if I could pop down to the nearest Target to get a new one.

My once flabby stomach had become toned and lean, my legs and arms were lithe. They slipped through the air with quiet rush of air as I broke into a run. Soon, my lungs were burning. Tendrils, escapists from my rigid ponytail, flew into my eyes. My trainers disturbed the comically peaceful puddles and sent water flying in every direction.

I ran fast and hard. I didn’t want to attract any… unwanted attention… I heard groans, my heart was pounding… they found me… they smelled me… The groans sounded again, getting louder and louder as I approached the source. I prepared to fight, pulling my holstered gun out of my waistband. They got louder and louder… wait… unless I was mistaken those groans sounded…. Human.

Still with my gun cocked, I ran to the source apprehensive. The first thing I noticed was the blonde hair and then the smooth, tan face not unusual for Colorado. Thick, chocolate eyelashes framed caramel colored eyes. They pierced my own, stopping my heart.

This mysterious boy was sitting with his back against the wall with his arms wrapped around his stomach. I raised my gun as I noticed toned arms and a broad chest. It was no match compared to my petite, fragile frame. Suddenly, he became a threat.
He widened his eyes and panicking, opened his mouth to protest but slumped against his shoulder as he passed out. It became obvious I needed to help him. I crouched down low and cursed under my breath as I noticed the blood seeping out from under his arms. Why hadn’t I noticed that? He needed medical attention. Now. The Camp was close but I couldn’t carry him and I was travelling on foot.

I glanced at his face. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful. Almost as if this world wasn’t infected and he wasn’t in grave danger. My heart fluttered in my chest betraying my rational brain. I had to stop myself from stroking his soft cheek.

I looked around for something… anything to move him with. All I saw was worthless shrapnel. That’s what happens when everyone dies suddenly. No one is around to treasure the photos or the jewelry you leave behind so it floats aimlessly around reminding everyone of the smiling faces of the past.

My savior was a beat up pick up truck parked behind an overflowing rubbish bin. I almost cried with relief as darkness was approaching fast and we were sitting targets for the creatures of the night. I could hear their animalistic howls in the distance searching for fresh blood to quench their raging thirst.

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