A child called it continued | Teen Ink

A child called it continued

January 10, 2014
By Jasmine Wallace BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Jasmine Wallace BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel so alive, years later after that traumatic incident I’ve grown up and became a man that my father once was. I have a wonderful family, my wife Gale is a very tall slender woman with long blonde curly hair. She has very high cheek bones and 2 deep dimples. She has a smile so bright that it lights up like the sun. She has the body of an angel and is the sweetest woman that I’ve have ever met. She reminds me of Marilyn Monroe but with long hair. She loves to cook, clean, sing and take care of her wonderful family and friends. I also have a handsome son named Stephen. He is average height, skinny but strong and has short blond hair. He has a strong facial structure with small brown freckles on his cheeks. He loves to play football, video games and spend time with me and his mom. Even though I will never forget about what my mother did to me and how she treated me, I will always love her. I will never be the man I am today if I didn’t go through that horrific experience. It’s been about 20 years since the day the lawyer dropped me off and said these exact words “you’re free now Dave.”
Sometimes I wish I could just go and see my mother to see how she is doing and introduce my family to her but I know that would never happen. She hates me, she always has but now she hates me even more because of what I did to her. My mother is in jail now because of what she did to me. She has been in jail for 9 years now, serving 25 years to life without parole. At times I feel bad for her but then at other times I feel no remorse at all because she got what she deserved. Jail can never equal the amount of pain and suffering that she forced me to go through in that house. Being In that house felt like a stranger walked up to me, slit my throat and poured alcohol on the cut. Life has a tendency to come back and bite you and that’s what happened to her, she went to jail. The day when she went to jail was the happiest day of my life. I remember it all like it was yesterday. . .
It was March 15, 1983 the day of my mother’s hearing and it was also the day of my 1 year anniversary with Gale. When my mother walked in the room with her lawyer she sneered and gave me a wink as she walked past me to sit down in her seat.
After the judge told her what she was going to be charged with her lawyer whispered something in her ear. I didn’t get to hear what he had to say but I’m assuming he told her that there was nothing he could do because as they left the room she gave me a really dirty looked and flipped me off.
The next day at trial she was sitting so peacefully until I went up on the stand and told my story. She was so mad and upset that she started to yell, curse and scream out inappropriate things at me. After the judge told her to settle down or she will be locked up she sat down quietly but still gave me a disgusting look. At the end of the trial the jury declared her guilty and she was sentenced 25 to life without parole; she was furious. She yelled, screamed, and kicked until the security officers pulled her out of the courtroom. As I got up and began to leave I saw my Dad walking up towards me. He calmly gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead and told me that he will always love me and that he wanted to congratulate me on the good news of my mother. As I started to talk he walked away with a smile and that was the last time I seen my mother and father again. I will never forget that day.

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