Secrets of The Galactic Civil War | Teen Ink

Secrets of The Galactic Civil War

January 15, 2014
By SpencerI BRONZE, Layton, Utah
SpencerI BRONZE, Layton, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Secrets of the Galactic Civil War
The time is 18 BBY. The Jedi temple is in turmoil, destroyed. Burned to the ground by the order of Emperor Palatine. The sky is filled with ash from the fire, and the burning bodies of diseased Jedi. The City of Corrisant is falling apart. This is the execution of order 66. The Emperors plan to seize the Galactic Empire, by killing off the remaining Jedi, turning them into unwanted criminals. The temple is mostly intact. Bodies are spread out. Everywhere. And not just Jedi masters. Even younglings were killed in this wretched, terrible battle. The Clone Battalion is searching for anymore remaining Jedi in the wreckage. Bodies are being uncovered, and identified. When a Jedi is found dead, its name is checked off the wanted/missing list, and burned. The Emperor has too much at stake here; he must not leave any stone unturned. He must find every last remaining Jedi, and kill them. All of them. Every single one of them.
As the clones dig deeper into the wreckage, one of clone troopers, Commander Blood, reports hearing a static noise from underneath the Foundation of the Temple.
“We’re receiving a static interference from under the Temple, Emperor.” Commander Blood reported, from within the permanent base of the Clones until the temple was cleansed of the diseased Jedi and renewed.
“What concern is it to me?!” the Emperor asked angrily from the Holographic communicator. ”I asked of you to hunt down the remaining Jedi. And to destroy what is left of them. Why does a static interference keep you from completing this task??” The Emperor was stationed off the planet Corrisant, unknown where, until the Temple was reformed into the
“My Lord… The ah…the static, ah…” Commander Blood hesitated. Commander Blood was not like any other clone trooper. He never stammered or hesitated. The Emperor wondered what it was.
“What is it Commander?” The Emperor pressed.
“It’s not just static My Lord. There is a faint message; we can barely make it out.
“What is the message?” The Emperor asked , his tone on edge.
“We have gotten as much as we can from the Message, we are sending a squadron to you with the data disk on which the message was encrypted on. My Lord, The Origin of the message dates back 10,000 years ago.”
“The Galactic Civil War…? How…?” the Emperor mumbled in disbelief. “How soon will the squadron get here? He growled.
“They should be there shortly my Lord.” Commander Blood reassured.
“Good, Good. Now do what must needs to be done, Commander!” The Emperor Ordered.
“Yes my Lord.” Commander Blood said, as the hologram faded away.
10,000 years ago? It had to be. The Emperor had not thought of The Galactic Civil War in many, many years. He could not believe something like that could be stored under the Jedi Temple.
When the squadron arrived, the Emperor started the message. The disk was very old. The Emperor sent the clones out, even his guards, this was too important. After watching the message the Emperor was grave, for he knew what this would mean if it was ever found. He had to stash it away. He had it sent to his secret cell vault on an uncharted planet.
The Emperor tried to forget about the message, over the years that had come after, but he could not forget. What he had seen, and heard, and what he had heard was a dark secret, and something else. Hope. Hope for the rising Rebellion…
The screen was blank, appearing every few moments or so. The sound was static, a word here and there, “Jedi… outer… rim… War...” Several moments later, a man clad in ancient Jedi robes appeared. He looked terrified, and had blood on his face. There were explosions in the background. Part of his robe was burned. He kept on looking around as if someone was watching him… or coming for him… The message he delivered was this:
“This Message is for the High counsel of the Jedi Knights! I am Jedi Master Christofftice. This is the 5ithen out post of the Mid Rim territory, we are under attack! I repeat we are under attack!” The screen faded, and then came back on. BOOM! The image shook. Screams could be heard in the back ground. The man looked around, then back to the screen. “The Dark Ones ambushed us! They took us by surprise. All of our defenses are down, they’re coming for the Inner Rim System! I just hope this message gets to you in time… before they do. I have encrypted a secret vital to the future of The Jedi Knights and only the Chosen One may open it. There is a Darkness that is coming, a Vast Darkness! I have foreseen it! The Dark Ones are calling themselves The Sith. They are more powerful than we thought! This is not a drill; this is not a younglings joke. The Galactic Civil War has begun. “

The author's comments:
I thought this up when I was younger. I wanted to make Star Wars 7, where The Jedi face a new threat called The Phoenix.

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