Pierce (A Death Note Fan Fiction) | Teen Ink

Pierce (A Death Note Fan Fiction)

February 27, 2014
By DesolatePhant0M BRONZE, Brooten, Minnesota
DesolatePhant0M BRONZE, Brooten, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Hi my name is Pierce and the craziest things have happened to me and my friend Light these past couple months. First I wanna start off by saying that I really shouldn’t be writing this story.The secrets this will contain are crazy. Light would kill me if he found out about this, and he is my only friend so I am running a huge risk as of now. First I need to explain to you what a Death Note is, you see "Death Note" itself - a black notebook with instructions (known as "rules of the Death Note") written on the inside. Correctly used, it allows anyone to commit a murder, knowing only the victim's name and face. There is my summed up definition of the thing. Well my friend Light actually owns one of these! Cool Huh? Not really… It has caused him a number of problems. And lately he has been very paranoid about it and being seen with it. I feel like this whole thing is getting way too out of control. I haven't seen him at school lately and he won't answer any of my calls, I'm very concerned about his overall well being. This all began at the beginning of this year 2022 when me and Light were Freshmen in High School. I was the only person he told about it. He always was a very outgoing person that had tons of friends and was very social, he also had amazing grades. But since the note everything has changed. His grades fell and his social life grew smaller, the Death Note completely consumed him and is making him go crazy. I wouldn't call Light a murderer, he's more of a worldwide crime stopper? I do not know how to put this but he has killed almost every big criminal on this planet. To the news he is known as Kira, the media calls him this, they all know about him but they don't know his true identity. Know you see why Light is so paranoid. I have to stop writing for awhile cause I need my beauty sleep theres a huge test tomorrow. I will pick up later where I left off……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Great news! I saw Light today at school, I am so glad he's back but he told me he might rip the Death Note apart. He has been getting tired of the responsibility that the Death Note brings to the table I guess. Light has been losing a lot of sleep over this too and its noticeable! His eyes are red and bloodshot and he can't focus at all on his schoolwork. He didn't really talk much today either. Light has never used the Death Note for actual evil he only kills the “Bad Guys” I guess you could call them that, but he has never actually killed people close to him or any of the bullies at school, he leaves those kind of people alone. The search for Kira lives on and if someone were to ever see this I would probably go to jail. Well the whole reason I'm writing this journal is so I can remember all this and how it happened. I have pretty bad memory. Well its about time I should start getting to bed again I will try to write again tomorrow…………………………………………………………………

Today is the last day I will be writing in this journal… I have some very unfortunate news. I dont really know how to put this but Light. Light. Light is dead… Police officers burst into the school and grabbed Light, pinned him down, and shot him on spot right in front of me and the rest of the school. I burst out screaming crying and I looked around and people were terrified. The looks on everyone's face was a look of disgust and terror. I dont know what to say, i'm speechless. Light was a criminal. But he wasn't the bad type of criminal I mean he killed but he killed people that deserved death. Rapists,Serial Killers, Most Wanted Criminals… Well I guess this is over, everything is and this journal entry the past couple days I've been writing is going into the trash. This is one memory, I don't need to remember.

R.I.P Light Yagami: Owner of the Death Note

The Shinigami- Hi its Pierce and I knew I said I was going to tear this journal but after the past couple months I have decided to keep it. The death of my friend Light Yagami needs to be further investigated by me and only me. I have discovered something, when Light had first got his Death Note he began to talk to himself. He would mutter things like “No I can't leave without it’ and “Can't you just lay off for 5 minutes about the stupid note”. I had recorded these phrases he would say to himself in a different journal paper. It was almost like he was talking to someone, I don't know who, but he was talking to someone else. I can almost be sure about it. You are probably wondering what happened to the Death Note aren't you? Well of course you are, this is one more thing that was kind of suspicious. After Light was murdered the police took the Death Note away but 1 page, 1 page had fallen off the Death Note on to the locker room floor. It had caught my eye and I immediately swiped it off the ground before anyone could see it, I shoved the page in my pocket and went home. It has been nearly 2 and a half months and I have finally decided to read the page. I will write what it says.

~ If the Death Note is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, The time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name. After this there is a bunch of random writing but something caught my eye.

Very disturbing. I dont know who wrote this but it look like it says PIErce ISDEAD… This isn't an actual part of the book its like scribbled in with pen…

~ The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.

And ends there, but this is really crazy, a god of death?! So someone owned the Death Note before Light did, but even more interesting, the human that touches it can recognize the voice? Well this explains why Light was talking to himself, also the image… I am completely dumbfounded. Does this God Of Death want me dead? Did he write this? Only time will tell but I cant bury my head in this subject I need to forget. This is horrifying.

The author's comments:
One of my favorite Manga's Death Note inspired me to write this short Fan Fiction. I am a huge fan of the anime and the manga, but even if you haven't read Death Note you can still read this.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 19 2014 at 9:40 am
DesolatePhant0M BRONZE, Brooten, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I think Im gonna make a sequel to this I was surprised it was NUMBER 1!

on Mar. 10 2014 at 2:29 pm
Mishamigo DIAMOND, Newton, Kansas
54 articles 28 photos 24 comments

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