My story: Hogwarts | Teen Ink

My story: Hogwarts

May 19, 2014
By Lynn-Pattent BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
Lynn-Pattent BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking toward the front door as an owl landed on the porch.”AHHHHHHH!!!!” I screamed as I fell over. The owl fluttered over to me and dropped a letter on my head as it flew off. It said,

Ms. Lynn Day

Room at the end of the hall

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

I picked it up slowly as though it were an explosive. I went into the house and to my room as I opened the letter.
Dear Lynn Day:

You have been excepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. As a muggle born(child of muggles or non-magical population) you will have one of our professors come by to tell you what you will need.


Minerva McGonagall
I was a witch. This has to be a joke. Magic isn’t real. Then I saw the date they were coming. Tomorrow.
I couldn’t sleep. When I did I was out like a light. I woke up and walked to the kitchen. As I got to the fridge I stopped dead in my tracks. My parents were talking to someone.”Oh hello. You must be Lynn, I’m professor Longbottom.” I nearly fainted. It was all real.
Weeks later…
I woke up to my mom shaking me to get up. “We’re going to be late, we have to get to King’s cross.
I got off the train and saw a big man at least three times my size. He was calling first years. When all the first years were with him we got on boats headed toward the castle. We walked into the great hall and I was in pure awe. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. “Lynn Day,” someone called. It was Professor Longbottom. He put a old hat on my head and after a few seconds it called out, “GRYFFINDOR!” There were many cheers as I sat down. I was zoned out until Longbottom called out “Sarah Christopher.” She walked up to the stool and the hat called out ravenclaw. After dinner we all went to the common room.
I saw the sun rise because I had been up for hours. On my trunk I saw new robes, a sweater, a scarf, and gloves. As I dressed others were finally stirring. After breakfast we went to herbology. “Hello young gryffindors , I’m professor longbottom. I teach herbology and im the head of Gryffindor house.” After dinner I went back to the common room and plopped on my bead. I learned potions, charms, hexes, jinxes and my favorite (and best at) flying a broom.
I fell asleep with all this on my mind but still thinking this was a dream, but I still woke up the next morning.

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