Poopwater | Teen Ink


May 29, 2014
By I.LOVE.SCHOOL. BRONZE, Coronado, California
I.LOVE.SCHOOL. BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a late November night when I heard the announcement that people are dying form this disease called Poopwater. I was shocked and did not believe that it could ever affect my life, but as always I was proven wrong. Later that month the announcement escaped my brain, I rarely thought about it. That’s when it struck my family and I. When I came home from school ready to sit on the couch and rest after a long day of fun learning. I strolled casually into the house I saw something that made my stomach tighten and my legs feel heavy. My mother suffocated to death from this awful disease. All of her salad, fruits, and vegetables that she has been eating had finally caught up with her. I had no idea what to do I collapsed, cried, wept, but after hours of that nonsense my father arrived home from work. He saw what I saw. He did not react the same because he’s my dad and he had to stay strong for me. I knew once I left he would do the same as I had done.
The year is 2044 and the word is coming to an end, as we know it. Every day the population is cut in half in the American continent. It has taken 5 months for the top medical scientist to figure this sudden population decrease. People have to be burned and the ash used as dirt or anything that can be thought of. They have to be reused to save space. They have now figured out that it is a bacterial infection taking over the world one continent at a time. This infection is called Poopwater because of the dirty water that people are consuming and dyeing from. It starts with just a simple cough then your respiratory system is affected. Once you get a critical mass of bacteria in your body its reacts with the chemicals in you body (specifically oxygen) it then collapse your lungs. Thus causing death. The sudden increase of vegetarians in 2043 and lack of water supply has caused people to recycle water that wasn’t clean. Making more and more people exposed to this infection. The only way for people stay alive anymore is for people to throw away their foods that come out of the ground. We need to recycle clean water and not dirty water or people are going to die. There are more solutions as well, we could not eat anything that touches this water and restart the fruits and vegetable farms. If we don’t figure out a way to stop Poopwater we will be dead in less than 4 years. It is killing too fast.

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