Date Night | Teen Ink

Date Night

October 30, 2014
By MPrimo_58 BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
MPrimo_58 BRONZE, Havertown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was pitch black on the back streets of harlem, 20 minutes after the murder of Kate Johnston and it’s currently 2:00 in the morning. Her husband Brian Johnston just came into the station freaking out like a bull in china shop yelling at everyone because he needs help his wife has just be murdered. The detective Olivia Bentson has just taken Mr. Johnston into the interrogation room, he seems very nervous and distraught. As they ask him about his where abouts during that time. His alibi was that him and his wife went out to dinner. When they decided to leave for home they walked through the back streets to get to their apartment.  They didn’t want to drive because they both had too much to drink. He was already pissed at the world because he got laid off that night. As they were walking him and his wife got into a little argument about the rent. Well with having Mr.Johnston under the influence he was short tempered. He told them that he just went home and forgot about it but that alibi flew out the window once at the crime scene they found the murder weapon behind the dumpster. His hand prints were all over it covered in blood. The next day after they let him go the police went to arrest him at the apartment but as they walk in it’s so quite when detective Fin opens the bathroom door he finds Mr. Johnston sprawled out in a pool of blood with a knife by his side and his wrist slit.

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