One Direction: A Grocery Store Tale | Teen Ink

One Direction: A Grocery Store Tale

November 25, 2014
By SimonShugar BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
SimonShugar BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it"

It was just another day at the grocery store. The people were walking around, buying whatever they needed for their own homes. In the produce section were many friends: There is Pear, who was an intelligent fruit that always seemed to know the right thing to do. There’s also Pineapple, a pain in the neck. Apple is the favorite of the group, and the rest of the food look up to him. He is hardy and seems to bear through anything. His real name is Harry, but he doesn’t like that name; Pineapple still calls him that. Turkey Leg is an outspoken food item and doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. He snuck into the produce section with Water Bottle. Turkey Leg and Water Bottle met before the rest of the food met – Water Bottle was just a food item that a child snuck into his mother’s cart, but she didn’t want it. She sent her son to put it on any old shelf, which happened to be the turkey shelf. The turkey that Turkey Leg came from was dead, but he broke off and lived through the tragic shooting. Lastly, Dog was in charge of the produce section and was extremely nice to all the food. He had no immigration laws in place, so all food is welcome.
On June 31st, something unfortunate happened. Apple was purchased! It all started when an old lady came by and wanted to get a ripe apple for her impatient husband. When Apple was picked up, it tried to yell at the lady.
“Hey! Put me back with my friends! I don’t want to die…” But the lady didn’t hear the apple. Dog, whose best friend was Apple, was second in line.
“Hi ma’am, can you please put my friend back and choose a different apple? It would be kind to all of us, as Apple is one of our dearest friends and is a strong binding force of the rest of the food that wound up in the produce section.”
The woman gave a simple reply. “No.”
Apple was horrified. He has had many nightmares that this day would come. He didn’t want to leave his dear fellows at the produce section! He had to find a way to get out.
It was just then – Pineapple jumped in. “No, Harry, no! We need you back here to continue our debut of the baby apples!” The baby apples were put on the front shelf so that the rest of the food in the produce section weren’t found.
Apple was gone. Officially gone. All of the food items were depressed and tried to move on.
“I know he acted like a dimwit at times, all times in fact, but we need to get him back. Life won’t be the same without him!” said Water Bottle. “Who will know which of the apples are pain in the butts so we can send them away first?”
Turkey leg was the first of the food items to realize that they can speak up to the manager of the grocery store.
“Why is food allowed to be taken without representation? We should make our own decision as to whether we can be purchased or not!”
“Eh, who cares,” replied Pineapple. “My brother can fill in for me at the gas station if I get taken.”
“Pineapple, you don’t even work at a gas station,” added Dog. “What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know. I thought it would lead this story somewhere.”
“We need to stand up as food and take what’s ours. Well it isn’t ours but we’ll take it anyway. The grocery store needs to have a vote for each food item that’s taken and whether the items that the shoppers choose are allowed to be purchased.”
So that’s what happened. The food items in the produce section (and Dog) went into the office of the manager of the store to protest how the store was run.
Turkey Leg didn’t even wait for a greeting. He started his speech on how some food is liked more than others, so the food themselves decide who is leaving and who is staying.
The phone of the manager rang; food haven’t every used telephones before, and didn’t know what they did. Then the manager started to speak.
“Yes, that should be fine. You can start right at this moment.”
“Thank you, thank you so much!” said Turkey Leg. “I want to thank you for your time, Mr. Manager, and for your kindness.”
But the manager wasn’t talking to the food. He couldn’t hear them at all. He was talking to the farmer of the grapefruits, who was wondering when to start planting the saplings.
One month and one day later (on July 32nd), the grocery store was run just how the produce section had planned it. Before the customers checked out, the well-liked food items were switched out with the disliked of the food items. Pineapple was found in the shopping cart of a mother once, and was switched out for his brother, who was at the gas station for the day. Luckily, the lady that bought Apple came back to buy another apple. Apple popped out of her purse, with a ninja bandana on. He was trying to find a way to sneak out of the old lady’s house.
“Apple!” All of the food (and Dog) shouted at the same time. “You have been missed ever so much!”
“I’m glad I’m back, guys,” replied Apple. He was just glad to be home.
All of a sudden, the lady came to where the food was. She seemed to understand them.
“Apple wouldn’t stop nagging me to bring him back to the produce section at this grocery store. He was talking about all of his friends and was telling me stories like a grandma that lost her mind!” said the lady. What a hypocrite.
“Hey, let me do you all a favor,” said the lady as she pulled out a pen.
“Oops, I don’t need a pen,” she mumbled to herself.
“Ah, here it is!” She pulled out a magic wand and waved it around. “What’s your name, Apple?
“Um, I don’t like it, but it’s Harry.”
“Ok. What about you, Pear?”
“And Turkey Leg?”
“Water Bottle?”
“Be quiet, lady. I don’t have one. I’ll make one up, though. Liam.”
“You shut up,” the lady jokingly said to Water Bottle. He still despised her.
“And lastly: Pineapple?”
“I’m Zayn.”
“Those are nice names, all of you!” She turned them all into people.
“What is this long thing on my head?” asked Harry (Apple). “And why do I have a British accent?”
“You guys are now a boy band that girls will like because of your hair, which is the stringy thing on your head. You will be horrible musicians that have to use auto-tune for the radio, and you will get a lot of money. In fact, I booked your first show tonight.”
“What’s a musician?” asked Niall (Pear), also having a British accent. “Do we all have these weird accents?”
“A musician is somebody who sings, like the person in the background here at the grocery store. Though at the grocery store, the music is from the 1940’s and usually has a 40 minute flute solo. And yes, you all have those accents. Girls love those. And as for Dog, you can be the new manager for this band.” She waved her wand and Dog became a human.
“What’s my name?” asked Dog.
“Nobody knows the name of you, Dog. You’re just the producer,” replied the lady. “Your sales will be going in one direction: up.”
“I kind of like that,” Zayn (Pineapple) remarked. “One Direction.”
That night, “One Direction’s” first concert sold out. The girls were all over the boys. At the end of the performance, the band (and Dog, who is still a human) had a meeting.
Liam (Water Bottle) started the conversation, which is awfully strange of him. “Guys, I’m so happy that all of this happened to us. It’s nice to be a person. Now, we can go back to the grocery store and choose the pain-in-the-butt baby apples that we eat. I just want everyone here to remember the days back at the grocery store, when we would just talk about the unfairness of life in the produce section.”
Everybody was so happy after that speech. After the meeting, everyone decided to go and buy masions with the money that they made that night at the concert. At the very end, only Niall (Pear) and Liam (Water Bottle) were remaining.
“I feel like I’m a bad person, Pear. Or, Niall,” said Liam (Water Bottle). “I’ve been a jerk to you guys all my life so far, and I want to apologize.
“It’s okay, Water Bottle. Or, Liam. Everybody has their good sides and bad sides.
“I feel like I have no good sides,” replied Liam (Water Bottle).
“Hey, don’t think that way,” Niall (Pear) added. “You know what I think about your ‘sides’?”
“You don’t know you’re beautiful.”

The author's comments:

It took me a while to write this and plan it, but it was a lot of fun!

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