Sleeping beauty with a twist | Teen Ink

Sleeping beauty with a twist

May 26, 2015
By Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Aurora was walking around inside the forest in the middle of May in the evening, when she stubbed on to an old women who was acting as if she hadn’t a clue where she was. Aurora, being the wonderful woman she was, helped the elderly woman. Aurora asked the old woman where she lived and if she knew where she was, the old woman replied with “oh yes my dear, I live in a little house a little back that way. Would you help me there?” Aurora without missing a beat replied “Anytime, let’s get headed back.” Aurora walk the little old woman back to her little cabin in the woods, when they arrived the woman offered Aurora an apple from her basket, Aurora took the apple, she took one bite and fainted. The old lady dragged Aurora into the woods and placed her in a field of flowers, little did she know that the prince would ride along and find Aurora. He would kiss her to wake her from the spell. One twist to this spell, it wasn’t a spell at all, the apple had killed Aurora. Just one bite of the apple had killed her. The little old lady turned out to be the queen of the land, she wanted to be the prettiest lady in the land but with Aurora in the way she wasn’t and she would never be. She had to get rid of Aurora, so she did just that, she had poisoned Aurora.

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