Welcome to Neverland | Teen Ink

Welcome to Neverland

January 6, 2016
By nathalied BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
nathalied BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a far, distant land the last fairy ever was created. My name is Tinkerbell, Tink for short. My only job in this world is to get assigned a child and take care of him/her for forever and ever. The following events are true, and may contain graphic content. This is my story of Neverland.
I’m sure you heard the cute tale about Peter Pan, and how sweet and innocent he was. Well, it’s time to understand what really happened in Neverland. I’ll start when I first met precious little Peter. I got assigned to him due to the fact that his parents abuse him and they also take countless drugs and abuse alcohol. It was an unstable home for a 9 year old. Right when I saw him I knew he needed my help. He was emotionally and physically damaged. I did my fairy magic and packed his belongings and told him we were going to a land where he would be happy at and not have to worry about his parents. He was scared at first, but then heard his dad screaming for him. He quickly jumped up and was ready to leave. I sprinkled the pixie dust on him, he took a few seconds to get used to flying, and we left.
He didn’t talk much while we flew through Bloomsbury, England. It was silent until we both heard screaming coming from a nearby house. We flew over to the upstairs window and saw a little boy getting beaten by his father. I saw Peter’s eyes get filled with rage. Peter broke through the window and started punching the father repeatedly. I tried to stop him, but it was too late. The little boy sat there bursting out in tears. Peter told him that he could come with us to a happy land, and everything will be okay. I gave the kid a drink that made him forget everything he just saw, and he came with us. That was the first victim we ever got. After that night, Peter and I would leave Neverland every night at 8pm. We would go search for little kids that are in trouble. Peter only went for boys; he said girls were too sweet and innocent to get beaten up by their parents. Within two weeks there were 6 other boys. That was 6 more little boy’s parents that Peter killed, 6 drinks I had to give to make them forget, and 6 times I had to watch the massacre occur. All Peter ever wanted was revenge on his parents but he never had the guts to go back to his house, so he took other abusive parents lives instead.
Neverland was special, but only to boys that would live on the island. Only boys were capable of never growing up, girls on the other hand still grew if they lived there.  All the boys lived in a tree house with holes representing each bedroom. They all changed their names to Slightly, Nibs, The Twins, Cubby, and Tootles in order to move on and not live in their past lives. They forgot all about their lives in Bloomsbury, it was kind of sad to me.  They didn’t need their parents. They relied on each other and were content.
One night, while Peter and I were flying through Bloomsbury, Peter stopped at this small little house on the end of Darby Avenue and sat by the upstairs bedroom window and listened to this young girl tell a story.  I immediately saw his eyes focus on the girl. He was so intrigued by the way she told a simple fairy tale. She made sure every little kid listening was included and happy. She was a mother figure and Peter missed that. He tapped on the window and she opened it up and he asked for her name.
"Wendy", she replied. Peter invited her to come to Neverland to see the other boys and tell everyone a story. She figured she would be home by the morning so she said yes. I sprinkled the pixie dust and off we went. When we got back to the treehouse, all the boys fell in love.  Peter loved Wendy and wanted her to stay forever, so he stole my memory loss drink and gave it to her. She forgot all about everything that happened in her past life. She was staying at Neverland with us.
A few years flew by, the boys still stayed immature and young but I noticed throughout the years Wendy would grow a little bit, get wiser, and seem more mature. She also would clean the house, cook dinner, take care of the boys, and do laundry.  Peter was still young minded, so he didn’t truly realize how mature Wendy was getting until that one night.
One rainy evening, Peter and I were heading to the treehouse to see everyone. Peter stopped suddenly and looked through one of the windows and observed Wendy and the boys. He noticed Wendy laying out pajamas for all the boys to change into and how much taller she got from the first day. He realized that Wendy was growing up, and that made him furious. Peter ran inside and asked Wendy if she felt older.
Wendy was stunned and replied, "Yes, but I am still a kid at heart."
Peter didn’t want to hear it.
Tootles ran over to him and yelled, "Wendy is like our mommy, we love her! “That made Peter more furious.
Peter screamed, "We are supposed to stay young forever!”
Tootles replied to Peter, "But I want to grow up like Wendy is!''
Right when Tootles said that, Peter turned to him and slapped him right across the face.
Wendy turned towards Peter and started scolding him for slapping Tootles. Peter realized Wendy was like his mother, and he didn’t want to hurt her so he ran off. I made sure Tootles was okay and went searching for Peter. I checked all of the secret hideouts we had, but there was no luck. I finally came out upon the beach and saw Peter hovering over something on a pirate ship. I flew over and Peter was covered in blood and tears.
On the ground was Captain Hook. I quickly started asking Peter what happened, and what was wrong, and if he did that. Peter was shaking and choked up the words to say and started to explain, "I was angry Tink, I took a wrong path and ended up on the ship. It was dark so I couldn’t see, and I started to smell whiskey. I thought my dad came here and was coming after me. I saw a tall black figure coming towards me and I just started to attack. I reacted so fast thinking it was him and I could get my revenge, but when I grabbed his arm and shoved it back, the hook went inside him, and I realized it wasn’t my dad. It wasn’t him Tink, I killed Captain Hook."
At first I was speechless, I kept trying to replay what he said in my mind. Peter killed parents in the past, but they all were guilty of abusing their kids. However, Captain Hook was innocent. That’s what scared me.
I looked at Peter, and I saw him differently. His eyes were bigger and full of hate. That was when I realized Peter wasn’t Peter anymore.
Peter started laughing and said, "Tink, I am the king now. I am the captain. If I am staying young forever, then I will make sure every boy or girl on this land will stay with me. I own this land now. I brought Wendy and the boys here and they are never going to leave. This is my duty now. You can join me, or I can just simply kill you." 
Right when Peter said that, I knew that he was too dangerous and that Wendy and the boys needed to get out of Neverland immediately.
I flew back to the treehouse as fast as I could. I explained to Wendy and the boys what happened, and they needed to pack everything and leave with me. A few minutes later, I heard Peter yelling for us in the distance, I gave Wendy and the boy’s pixie dust, and we left. We never returned to Neverland.
That was the story about Peter Pan.  I now sit outside this bedroom window. I get to watch Wendy, very mature now and older, take care of all the boys, who are all also getting mature and becoming young adults. They seem very happy to be growing up.
In the beginning, I was assigned to Peter Pan. My job was to watch over him, but now in the end, I'm watching out for him.

The author's comments:

It's a fractured fairtytale 

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