Dolphin Family | Teen Ink

Dolphin Family

March 3, 2016
By <3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
<3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look out across the deep cobalt ocean. It’s vastness is unbelievable. After a few moments of waves crashing on to the beach, a pod of dolphins appear from the Sea. I watch them. Bounding out of the water, like soaring birds or galloping horses, they leap in and out of the water carelessly. I close my eyes and join them. My body breaks the tension of the water as I hurdle out of the water into the cool crisp air. Then dive back down into the drink. I look around only to see my family, my dolphin family. Using sonar waves we catch and eat fish. Then we zoom back to the surface to spring in and out of the water as we chase the sunset.

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