Rapunzel | Teen Ink


May 17, 2016
By badpoet BRONZE, Nashport, Ohio
badpoet BRONZE, Nashport, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
here come that boy

Rapunzel looked in the large vanity mirror and stared at her shiny, bald head. She sighed and moved to the small window overlooking the outside world, her oxygen cart following closely behind. She looked over the horizon, longing to be set free. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and looked down the huge tower. "Could this be my prince who will heal my cancer?" Rapunzel thought excitedly. Birds emerged from the bushed below, and Rapunzel began to weep. "I can't believe he's not here! He will never be here!" Rapunzel exploded. She sat on her straw bed, exausted. Rapunzel closed her eyes, hoping to never wake up.
Rapunzel awoke to a man's voice calling below. Rapunzel threw herself to the window, gasping for air. She looked down and saw a charming man. He was yelling for her hair. Rapunzel felt ashamed because she did not have any hair to throw down to the man. "Are you Rapunzel?" the man called. "where's your hair?". Rapunzel sighed, "I lost all of my hair with my chemo, I have cancer". "I cant save you if you dont have hair!" the man called, frustrated. Rapunzel slouched against the wall. "I know! I can use my wigs!" Rapunzel tied together the black one, the red one, the curly one, and the polka dot one. Too short. 

Rapunzel felt that there was no hope, and began to cry. She cried and cried until she came up with an idea so wild, that it just might work. "how long is your hair?" Rapunzel asked the visitor. The man removed his cap to reveal a golden brown man-bun. He took out the clip and shook his luscious locks in the wind. His hair was about a mile long, longer than Rapunzel's ever was. He tied his hair into a tight braid and threw it up to Rapunzel. She caught the locks and began her journey down to earth. 

Rapunzel touched the grass with her gray toes and kissed her prince. Her skin instantly plumped and turned a bright glow. Hair started to sprout from her head as the prince put her on the front of his horse. 

Rapunzel never had a problem with her health again. Her prince married her and they lived happily ever after. 


The author's comments:

Love can cure anything!

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This article has 1 comment.

CarolM. BRONZE said...
on Jun. 25 2016 at 12:42 am
CarolM. BRONZE, Fairfield, California
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." - Rowena Ravenclaw

A sick princess is a new thing... Great story, the ending was sweet.