The Big Bad Wolf | Teen Ink

The Big Bad Wolf

May 23, 2016
By krh02 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
krh02 BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in the deep dark forest, you will find the Big Bad gray hairy Wolf. You will find him building his little cottage in the middle of the deep dark forest. “Man” Said the wolf,”This is a lot of hard- OW! That stupid brick fell on my head, and it is as hard as a rock.” The wolf thought it would be nice to go on a nice long walk by himself in the deep dark forest to help his hurting head. He was walking when all of the sudden he became “loopy.” “Ha ha ha. This walk is so much fun, Hardy Har Har.” Then he came up to this girl named Little Red Riding Hood.”Hey there” said the wolf,”What’s your name?” “My name is Little Red Riding Hood.” she said. “The wolf asked, “Where are you goi-.” All of the sudden Red Riding Hood turned into a chicken because the wolf is now becoming delusional. “I'm going to my grandma’s house.” she said. “Yeah okay you better be on your way than… chicken.” he said. “Ummmm… Okay?” she said. So she skipped away. “I really need that chicken.” he exclaimed, “I know i will go to the grandma’s house and wait for the chicken to come to me.” The wolf ran to the grandma’s house, and knocked on the door. Grandma said, “come in dear.” But what grandma wasn’t expecting was the wolf at her doorstep. Now because the wolf got hit in the head by a brick he sees everybody now as chicken. “I’m going to eat you chicken.” he said. Grandma screamed, “Ahhhh!” GULP! The wolf ate grandma. “I need to find that old chicken’s clothes, and in a hurry.” he said. DING DONG! The wolf quickly jumped into bed and said, “Come in dear.” “Hi granny.” she said, “I brought you some cookies.” “Set them down on the table please.” he said. “My granny what big ears you have.” she exclaimed. “The better to hear you with my dear.” he said “My granny what big eyes you have.” she exclaimed. “The better to see you with dear.” he said. “And my granny what big teeth you have.” she exclaimed. “The better to eat you with chicken!” he yelled. “Ahhhhh!” She screamed. “Get over here.” he said. “Never!” she said. The wolf was chasing Red Riding Hood, but she was yelling so loud that in the forest the woodsman heard her screams. “Who is that?” said the woodsman. He followed the screaming and came up to grandma’s house. “Who’s in there?” he said. Still all he heard was screaming. So he knocked down the door, and saw the wolf chasing Red Riding Hood. “Take this you wolf!” Slice! The wolf was cut right down the stomach. The cut went right through the stomach, so grandma walked out of it. “Grandma!” yelled Red Riding Hood. “Red!” yelled grandma. They hugged then grandma looked at the woodsman and said, “Thank you for saving Red and I.” “The pleasure was mine madam.” he said. So with the wolf dead and grandma… not dead everyone lived happily ever after.

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