Case of the found body | Teen Ink

Case of the found body

January 27, 2017
By shawnmendes BRONZE, Fallingwaters, West Virginia
shawnmendes BRONZE, Fallingwaters, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although Spencer had never seen this house before, something about it seemed oddly familiar. He and the rest of his team of profilers had been called out on yet another case. They were currently investigating a possible suspect’s house. On the outside the house looked old and rotted, surrounded by woods; it had an eerie feel to it. The old, rusted car sitting in front made the house look even older. Whoever was living here obviously didn’t care enough to take care of the appearance of the house or car. Then again most serial killers don’t care about the appearance of their things.
Once they arrived, and exited the black SUVs they drove in, Spencer immediately felt odd. As though he had been here before Morgan, one of the 7 members of the team, started walking up the small path that lead through the yard and to the front door Reid quickly following. Before arriving at the mysterious house, the team made a plan on how they would split into smaller teams to cover more ground and in a quicker time. The pairs would be Spencer and Morgan, Hotch and Rossi, and finally JJ and Prentiss. They also made a plan on where on the property each pair would go. Hotch and Rossi would go look around the outside and the surrounding woods, JJ and Prentiss would enter through the back of the house and clear that part while Spencer and Morgan take the front and when both pairs met in the middle they would all go and look upstairs. Just as Morgan and Spencer were going in through the front door, the bad feeling Spencer had become even stronger.
They looked around the entrance and saw garbage scattered all the floor, surrounding what looked to be a make-shift bed, made of worn-out sleeping bags and tattered blankets. All over the walls the pair noticed multi-colored patterns, and a word, in what they guessed was spray paint. While Morgan was looking at the paint patterns for any clues the unsub may have left, Spencer decided that he would look around in the next room. Walking into the room it was clearly less cluttered, but something caught Spencer’s eye, a large red stain leading to the entryway of the kitchen. After he yelled for Derek, who was still in the entryway, Spencer quickly drew his gun and Morgan did the same when he walked in and saw the blood.
Both of the men slowly walked into the kitchen, looking around there was obvious signs of a struggle. Broken pieces of glass littered the floor, and blood smeared all over the cabinets and floor. On the floor there was a large pool of blood surrounding a woman who looked almost dead but by the slow and shallow rise and fall of her chest Spencer knew that if they didn’t get her to the hospital soon she would die. Morgan’s eyes widened as and he yelled for JJ and Prentis, even Hotch and Rossi if they could hear him. Spencer tried to find the main source of the bleeding. As soon as JJ and Prentiss saw the girl, JJ immediately called for a medic through her earpiece she told them to hurry.
Once Hotch and Rossi arrived they told everyone except Spencer, who was a big reason she hasn’t bleed out yet, to make room for the medics to come through. The girl was blonde and looked to be about Spencer’s age. She had blue eyes that she was struggling to keep open but was able to with some words of encouragement from Spencer. Her blonde hair was matted with blood and sweat, her small hand clutched Spencer’s larger one with all the strength she had left. Spencer and the rest of the team knew that if the medics didn’t get here soon she would die and he didn’t know why but he just couldn’t let that happen. He didn’t want some beautiful, in his opinion, stranger who had her whole life ahead of her to die in his arms by some serial killer. What Spencer didn’t know was that this ‘beautiful’ stranger was no stranger to him, or the rest of the team, at all.    
After the ambulance arrived, the medics got the girls bleeding under control well enough to where she would be as stable as they could get her until they got her to the hospital. Once she was on the gurney and into the ambulance, she was stable enough to, with trouble, respond to what the medics were saying to her. “Hey, I need you to keep your eyes open for me.” One of the men working to get her situated in the back to the ambulance said. She complied with a quiet groan. The other medic that was working on keeping her from bleeding out and getting her the correct fluids she needed tried to get her to tell them her name, but in her condition she couldn’t manage much speaking. Spencer and the rest of the team were off to the side watching how this plays out. The paramedic noticed her eyes closing again “Hey, Can you show me your eyes sweetheart?” he asked smiling when she opened her eyes again “there you go just like that. Now you think you can tell me your name?” he asked again not really expecting a response.
“A-Ari-Ariella La-LaMontagne” she stuttered
“Good job, Great Job. No Ariella can you stay with me until we get you to the hospital?” The paramedic said looking over at his partner then to the team giving them a sad smile when seeing the looks on JJ and Spencer’s faces.
“I-I need my-my dad” Ariella says starting to panic and squirm around on the gurney.
“Okay, Okay we can get you dad, just please stop moving you’re going to bleed out!” The same medic said starting to panic also. The team stood there shocked while the paramedics pick her up and move her to the hospital. Only when they hear the ambulances loud ring do they snap out of their trance-like state. JJ collapsed to the floor, her knees not being able to hold her up as she fully processed what just happened, she would’ve fell straight to the floor had Morgan not caught her. “I-I have to call W-Will. Let me go! I have to get to the hospital.” JJ obviously wasn’t thinking straight, so when she pushed Morgan off of her and ran out the door to the SUVs everyone ran after her, Reid rushing out after her before anyone else.
“JJ wait!” He yelled running tom the car only to find it locked. Knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get into the car with her he ran to the car behind that one and got in the passenger seat .Hotch knew that neither JJ nor Reid were in the right state to drive, so when he and the remaining members of the team got to the cars they were surprised to see that JJ and Reid weren’t trying to leave for the hospital.
JJ was on the phone presumably telling Will what happened and to get to the hospital right away. Reid on the other hand was just sitting in the car looking at the dried blood on his hands trying not to cry, before burying his head in his hands. Hotch saw the youngest member of his team, slowly losing hope of ever finding love or keeping his loved ones safe and out of harm’s way, liked he tried so hard to do with Maeve.
Just like what happened with Haley, Hotch could see the same thing happening to Spencer and Ariella. He couldn’t just stand by and watch this happen to Spencer all over again. Hotch would not allow another unsub to destroy anyone else on his team, they’ve already been through so much good and bad. On the drive to the hospital Rossi tried getting JJ to talk, not much worked. “Have you called Will yet?” he finally asked knowing that would make her talk.
“Yeah, he’s on his way the hospital now.” She paused before continuing. “I-I don’t know why she was even here. She should be in California filming for her show. She-She said she wouldn’t be able to visit again until they finished in a few months.” JJ finished. She had started crying again while talking.
Once they reached the hospital both JJ and Reid jumped out of the cars practically running to the receptionist’s desk to find out something about Ariella, all the woman at the desk could tell them that she was still in emergency surgery and that they could wait in the waiting room. After receiving the news that somewhat eased their minds JJ went to the waiting room to find Wil and Henry and explain more in depth what happened than she did on the phone. The entire team piled into the small family waiting room, with Reid in a chair in the far corner, Prentiss (with whom Ariella was closest with) sat in another isolated corner still in shock and trying not to break down. A few hours later the doctor, who performed the surgery, came out and told everyone that the surgery was successful but it would take a while for her to recover.
“And because she is an actress. I suggest she holds off on any combat or fight scenes until she 100% healed.” The doctor finished before saying she could have visitors but only family before walking out. JJ and Will stood up and Will picked Henry up as they followed the doctor to Ariella’s room.
During the couple hours that Ariella had been in surgery her friends had arrived at the hospital. Holland Roden, Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Posey ran into the hospital, and once Will saw them gestured for them to come into the waiting room with them and the rest of the team. The too the first flight from California to Virginia to come and see their friend, Holland was frantic not knowing if her best friend was going to be okay or not her eyes were red and her makeup was messed up from crying and rubbing at her eyes, Tyler’s eyes were red and his cheeks were puffy with tear-stains on them, and Dylan was in the same condition as Tyler. Since no one had told them any details on what happened and if she was kay they were all freaking out not knowing if one of their closest friends was going to die or not.
Relief flooded the trio’s bodies when Wil and JJ explained what happened and that she was going to be okay. Holland then hugged Will and walked over to Reid, who was still crying and has yet to wash the dried blood off his shaking hands. As she reached him she patted his shoulder with her hand, the action making him look up at her, quickly he mumbled a ‘hi’ before looking back down at his hands which rested in his lap. Holland then grabbed his hands and pulled him up, he was too tired to protest so he followed here to wherever she was taking him. She ended up taking him to the bathroom; he was confused at first but then looked down at his hand remembering the dried blood on them ‘her blood’ he thought. Holland grabbed Spencer’s hands turned the water in the sink on and shoved them underneath the water letting him get the blood off himself.
When all the blood was off his hands Spencer grabbed a paper towel and dried his hands, leaning against the wall next to the sink he just used he slid down it until he ended up sitting on the floor with his head in his hands starting to cry again. Holland crouched down beside him, trying to calm him down. “Spencer, come on you heard what the doctor said” she told him her voice cracking in the middle of her sentence. “She’s going to be okay, Reid.” She spoke again holding back tears.
Spencer started to stand up and walk in front of the sink again; looking in the mirror he turned the water on and splashed some water on his face. Holland handed him another towel and he dried his face off before turning to Holland with a small smile before saying “Your right.”

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