me as a dish | Teen Ink

me as a dish

December 14, 2017
By shhhhh BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
shhhhh BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"nothing is possible to a willing heart" john heywood

This piece of writing came together from a series of quick-writes about the meaning of my  identity map, where I explained who I want to be. I wish that the reader feels my love for cooking and the creativity required to make a plate that is both enjoyable to the palate and lovely to look at. I also want that the reader makes is own point of view from my metaphor, even though I’m guiding him through it. To make this happen, I try to select the best words that can explain and share my feelings. Next, I need to write a draft where I explain how I invent my plates and how I make them enjoyable to the taste and gorgeous to the view. I get one of my feedback from my study hall teacher, which he said that I should explain better the path of the leaf. I get the other feedback from one of my friends, who said that the message was enough clear in what I was try to explain. I think that my next readers can help me perhaps to explain in better way my thoughts, and help me to choose better words to do it. I found really helpful all of the examples and the guidelines posted on google classroom which lead me during the writing of the draft.

Mostly of my peers feedback were very positive, where they pointed out  sentences, and paragraphs, that were written clearly or where I made a good point. I also received some grammatical corrections feedbacks which I really appreciated, because they helped me what was wrong or misspelled in my paragraph. I responded at these feedback with an open mind and thinking that they are wrote to improve my writing skills, but I couldn’t respond to every comment because they were too generic. And also all of these feedback supported and emphasized my will to write. 


Who am I, who I want to be

I like to compare my life to an unrefined dish that as it leaves the first station (my family) where it’s formed, it can now go to the refining station (high school and college), where it gets its characters and its final shape. This station is the most important, because here the dish is subjected to many changes and decisions, and it ends up with the final decision of what the dish will looks like for the rest of its life.  Finally it can across the big doors of the kitchen, to reach the dining room, where the success or failure of the dish is decided. Depending on this crucial decision, the dish can became famous and be talked from many magazines, or most common fail at the first time, start over again and then after a couple of trials finally succeed and earn what it deserved.

I embrace the cooking path  because, it is what I really want to do. I started cooking when I was 4 years old, watching and helping my parents in the kitchen. Cooking always enchants me because of the art and creativity that hides inside the simplest dishes. This is the reason why I want to become a chef, and learn as much as I can about the artistic world that is hiding inside every single dish.  Me and my mom always had a little rivality on who is the best chef of the house. So when I enter in the kitchen, I set it up as I want, but she always has something to say about it, therefor, when the kitchen is free from other competitors“like my mom”  I can finally enter and let it became my kingdom.

As I enter, a  magic feeling  comes and imerge me into my cooking world, where my passion and creativity to cook unfurls.

My brother come from school and I hear a scream: “ hey Gabri what are we eating today?”       

I enter the kitchen, grab a plate, and magically I feel like an artist with a blank canvas. I alway use the ingredients already present in the kitchen, because I think, chefs that have a limited choice to create their paints are the best chefs. They must use their creativity, which distinguish a great chef from a good cook. Usually, when  I open the pantry and gather all of the ingredients for preparing a dish, magically tons of ideas flood my brain.

When I cook I usually create my plate from scratch and try to experiment combination of ingredients that marry together, salty with sweet, bitter with salty, etc.  My favorite dish to cook is risotto with saffron, because it is an explosion of color and taste. I really like to cook it because when you make it, infuses the house with a wonderful aroma that makes me feel happy even in a sad day. 

My dish have finally crossed  the doors of the kitchen and heading to the dinning room  where the future is waiting for it. It pass through different  station, gathering all of the skills and the knowledge to succeed in the dining room. The dish-me will become a chef and contribute to the community.  This is my path from who I am to who I want to be. It starts from being an high school student, “the dish” into an accomplished chef, which succeed in the dining room, by taking cooking classes and gaining experiences in restaurants around the world. My goal is to open my own restaurant where to offer my culinary creations and maybe forming new dishes from the dining room.

The author's comments:

I represent my self sa a dish, that passe trough every station, ending up with the final result. who I am goning to be 

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