Vietnam | Teen Ink


March 8, 2019
By Rockjoseph24 BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Rockjoseph24 BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk along the gravel path, a journey that seems to have no end, I  am an empty soul that mopes around the jungle seeking purpose. The road crackles under my feet like firecrackers going off on the fourth. With every step a memory is flung into  my head, the anguish of seeing my companions fall, one by one, death taking each one for his collection.

Many times have I been sought out by him, his cold bony hands almost grasping  my neck, the struggle was there but with grit i’m still able to avoid his alluring presence. Why are we fighting this fight, a beast we have no reason to quarrel with, smoke tops the trees and the sounds of both sides clashing in the jungle all around me.

Who am I fighting this fight for, I have so many lives of people that haven’t done wrong, I   try to be brave but that is just a mask hiding the pain of seeing my friends, my brothers in  arms fall enough times to fill a Cemetary, many cemeteries.

When will this nightmare be over, when will the trees look down upon me and take me to my    brothers, the sun is setting and I know my time is up. But still I walk.

The author's comments:

I have always been fasinated by the veterans of the vietnam war and I just really wanted to try and replicate a soldiers conflicted feelings while being in the perilous situation

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