Private Eric Thomas and World War 3 | Teen Ink

Private Eric Thomas and World War 3

October 28, 2019
By LebronBregman BRONZE, Cupertino, California
LebronBregman BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 2050. The third World War had just begun. In Maryland, there was a man who just enlisted and his name was Eric Thomas. The Thomas family couldn’t bear to lose another child to the war, as Eric’s two other siblings were both killed in action at the Second Battle of Stalingrad. His family went with him to his plane, and his father told him to “Stay safe, and be brave. Your mother can’t put up with another death.” Eric responded with a confident nod. His company got dropped near a fort in St. Petersburg, where there is a violent thunderstorm. They, along with another company was to take the fort. Even though the muddy ground slowed down the Americans, they made the Russians retreat back into the fort. Suddenly, a bullet whizzed passed near Eric, and kills one of Eric’s friends. Another bullet buzzed, straight to Eric’s chest. Somehow the bible in his pocket saves him. Eric’s company defeats the Russians in hand to hand combat, with most of the Russians running away. The mission was a success. As the Communists retreats, the company starts resting on the roof. They hear the Russians playing with their guns, so they get ready for a counterattack, but suddenly, a shot rings out. A Russian sniper’s rifle had spoken. Private Eric Thomas from Maryland drops to the ground. Dead.

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