Historical Fiction #1 | Teen Ink

Historical Fiction #1

January 12, 2021
By Anonymous

Creative Writing 2

1 October 2020

Michael was your ordinary eighteen year old living in a big city. All he knew was going to the arcade, riding bikes with his friends, and going to the movie theatre. His best friend named Christopher was a lot like Michael. They both  enjoyed doing a lot of the same things, therefore leading them to be some of the best friends. Michael lived in an apartment with his divorced mother. Michael did not know a lot about his father. Matthew, Christopher's Dad was a father figure in his life more than his own father. When Michael needed to talk and his Mom was not there he often went to Matthew. Of course Michael had a couple of people he didn’t like, but one boy in particular John Reynolds from his school really made him mad. John seemed to always pick fights with everyone and was always a troublemaker. He always got in trouble for smoking on school grounds and spent most of his free time in detention. The problem between Michael and John was a young woman named Martha. Martha was a straight A student with a flawless GPA. She was known as the most beautiful girl in their school.

It was bright and early on a Saturday morning. Michael went to work at the local lumber yard where him and his best friend worked together. It was their first job and it was well paying. Michael opened the break room door saying, “ Hey Chris what's goin’ on?”

Christopher answered with a grumpy moan that just sounded like gibberish. Michael gave Chris his favorite energy drink that he had stopped by the gas station on his bike on the way to work. It was now seven am. Nobody wanted to be there, as it was early for everyone after a school day. Michael and Chris worked all day until about 5 pm. When Michael and Chris got out of work

Chris said, “ Dude do you want to go to the arcade for a little?” The answer to that was always yes. They took some of their money they earned at the lumber yard and spent it at the arcade. PAC- MAN, was the best and most new game at the arcade. Everyone seemed to play it and there was a massive line behind it with people wanting to dump their quarters into the machine. Michael and John always played the game Galactica together and had the high score on the machine since they were little. They queued up a game, and as soon as that happened they heard the front door open with a slam. They both looked simultaneously at the door to see what the ruckus was about. It was John, of course it was john. He walked in and threw his cigarette on the hardwood floor of the arcade as he walked towards Michael. “ Hey airhead, yes I’m talking to you Mikey!”

 Without warning or even a gesture Michael was punched straight in the jaw with a sheer sucker punch that knocked his cap off and nearly his leather jacket. Michael was a pretty wimpy guy when it came to strength, but Chris was the opposite. Chris almost could not believe his eyes. His best friend was laying on the ground. Knocked out cold. Next John looked at Chris with his bitter ice cold eyes. They both attacked each other, one jumping for the head and one going for a tackle on the stomach. John was the one who went for the head. To his surprise Chris had experience with fights and was able to dodge the punch going under it, and tackling him straight to the ground. Everybody in the arcade was roaring as nobody had ever seen John been even touched by someone. Everybody including Chris and now conscious Michael walked out and went home. 

Monday came around, and everything seemed fine. As Michael and Chris walked into school together they spotted John with a black eye sitting on the bench by the library. They both approached John slowly asking why he fought the two friends on Saturday. “ I don’t know man, I just wanted to get rid of the competition for Martha, I want you to back down.” Michael said he didn’t want her anyways but even John could tell he wasn’t being very serious. “ Get outta here!”,

said John. They both went on with their day. Later in the day John caught Michael with Martha flirting loudly. John went up about to hit Michael again. Michael had told Martha what happened in the arcade. She told John to leave now. He had the most disgusted face as he walked away throwing his fists at the air. 

Tuesday came around faster than ever. At school, John continued to give both Michael and Chris dirty looks all the way until the end of the school year. Martha and Michael were a happy couple and graduated as the high school prom King and Queen. John was beyond frustrated with this and could not bear looking at the two. He ran out of the auditorium at prom into the hallway. When Michael and Martha were coming back from the walk in the center of the stage they saw John sobbing in the corner of the hallway. They approached him slowly. All John could make out in words was i’m so sorry. John had felt so bad for hurting Michael and Chris. All he knew was fighting and that was the way he went about getting Martha for himself. He eventually found out Martha did not like trouble makers. John realized over the last night how bad of a person he had been. Michael forgave him and went on walking back to their seats with Marthas hand in Michaels hand. 

The author's comments:

This piece is completely mine and orginal. 

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