Disaster | Teen Ink


May 17, 2021
By Anonymous

His alarm clock buzzed off the dresser awakening his wife sleeping next to him. Demetri stretched over himself trying to reach for the top of the alarm to silence the buzzing. Ivanna pulled the blankets back up to her chin, going back to sleep. Demetri stretched out his tall figure across the bed before finally arising and sneaking into the bathroom to start his day. His days always run in the same pattern. He already marked one thing off of his list, waking up. Once he reaches the bathroom the faucet drips turn into a rush as he bends down and washes his hands. After he performs his daily routine of getting ready for his work day, he wakes his son Ivan and daughter Natasha for school. Demetri gives out his morning kisses and hugs to his sweet little family and dashes out the front door.

       On his commute to work he picks up a slow roasted coffee from his favorite local coffee shop. Demetri enjoys his quiet time, enjoying his coffee and planning out the remainder of his day. Demetri makes it to work with minutes to spare on his first day of his new job. Demetri's family has always struggled financially, he is anxious to provide things to his family that he could not previously afford.  The new power plant will provide  opportunities for struggling families in the community.

   As time passed, Demetri’s job became easier for him and he had a better understanding of his role and responsibilities. Not everyday was easy for Demetri, one particular day the power plant had to be evacuated due to the possibility of an explosion. There were reports one of the power plant operators miscalculated the controls to regulate the flow of power; this created a chemical reaction for the entire power plant. On that particular day Demetri was leaving for the day when he heard of the news and he quickly ran toward the train station. Demetri was a quick thinker, he stopped to call his wife Ivanna, he stayed calm telling Ivanna to grab the kids and a few belongings and meet him at the train station. As Demetri and Ivanna got the kids settled in their seats on the train, they heard an explosion and looked out the window to see a large mushroom cloud in the area of the power plant. In a split second the train was derailed throwing Demetri and his family out of the train car.

   Demetri woke up in the local hospital. What Demetri thought was a minute turned out to be a week, he was engulfed in panic when he realized where he was and not knowing where his family was. Doctors and nurses quickly assured him that Ivanna, Ivan and Natasha were safe and sound, Demetri spent several more days in the hospital recovering from his injuries. Once released from the hospital, Demetri took a long hard look at his current living environment. After many discussions with Ivana about their future they made one of the hardest family decisions. They decided to take their family and belong to the United States for better opportunities and education for their entire family.

  Twenty years later, Demetri and Ivana own a small coffee shop in Chicago, and both children are in college.

The author's comments:

Historical Fiction about events of Chernobyl 

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on May. 29 2021 at 2:36 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

I hope they didn't all die of disease cause of that toxic air spewing all over the world.