The Last Inning | Teen Ink

The Last Inning

May 20, 2021
By ethankuhn BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
ethankuhn BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was deep into the 9th inning, the Cleveland Indians were in a dogfight with baseball's best New York Yankees, which had won four of the previous five World Series Championships. Up by one run, Bob Feller, one of baseball's premiere pitchers, had them down to their last out.

“Come on, I got this” Bob said into his glove as he received his signs from the catcher. 

Fastball inside, his best pitch. Bob began his rotation and hurled the pitch as fast as he could.

“Strike three!” yelled the Umpire.

The Indians had secured the fourth spot in the American League and was heading to the playoffs.

“Atta boy Robert!” 

Bob looked off into the dugout to see it coming from the Indians General Manager, Roger Peckinpaugh. Rodger and Bob had become close over the years, on and off the field. Their families would have dinner together and their wives were also very good friends, hanging out with each other often.

“We’re going to the playoffs baby!” Rodger said as Bob approached him. They embraced for a big huge. Bob thanked him for everything, in which Roger replied, “No thank you! This is getting me that raise I’ve been trying to get” he laughed, “I’ll make sure you get yours after we go win this whole thing.”

Three months later, the Indians had been knocked out of the playoffs and sent home to watch the Yankees win another one. Bob finished third in MVP voting behind Joe Damiggio and Ted Williams, two of the best players to ever play the game who both had their career years in 41’. Rodger held his end of the deal and contacted Bob in December to meet him in Chicago to go over his new deal.

The day was December 7, 1941. Bob was packing his bag as he planned on staying in Chicago for the night, Virginia came outside with a packed lunch box for his drive, it was a solid 4 hour drive from their home to Chicago.

“Are you sure you’re fine to go alone?” Virginia asked, “I could always go with you.”

“I’m sure, I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon anyway.” replied Bob.

Bob climbed up into the driver's seat of his farm truck, leaning out the window to kiss Virginia before starting it up and beginning his drive. 

About an hour in on the road, the radio cut out and got interrupted. Pearl Harbor had just been bombed; Bob couldn’t believe it, he had paid little attention to news on the war since America had been pretty vocal on staying out of it but he knew the jist of what was going on. But for them to attack America, this one was personal. For the rest of the drive to Chicago Bob listened intently to any news regarding the attack and the more he heard, the more furious he became, this one had come a little too close to home. As he entered the Chicago city limits, he had already made up his mind, there was no other place he wanted to be other than protecting our country and getting revenge for the terrible thing they did. 

As Bob pulled into the hotel where he was meeting Robert, he pulled into the first parking spot he could find and went straight up to the floor Robert was staying on and began knocking.

“Hey Bob! You made great time, what time did you get out on the road” Robert said joyfully, seeming clueless of the news.

“Have you listened to the radio at all? Do you know what's going on?” Bob responded as he flew past Robert, welcoming himself into the room and heading straight to the radio.

“What’s going on Bob-” Robert said as he was interrupted by the radio.

“It is now confirmed that Japan is responsible for the terrible attack on Pearl Harbor this morning. This is the most devastating attack on the United States since the Revolutionary War, it has not been confirmed about the damage or death toll but we have word that close to the entire military base and ship fleet has been wiped out by this attack.”

“Oh my,” Robert said quietly

Close to speechless he sat down and put his head down. Bob sat down across the room as the radio continued.

“There has been no word from President Roosevelt on if the US has entered the raging war in Europe, but after this attack it seems as if it is a matter of time until the US officially entered this war.”

Bob stood up and began to pace around the room.

 “Robert, I can’t just sit around and let others risk their life for this while I’m safe and sound, once we’re officially in this thing I have to go, you do what you need to do with this contract but I need to protect our country.”

“I understand, we can make this work but you have to understand Bob these are your prime years, this is the time for you to get the money you’ve worked so hard for and earned.” replied Robert, still sitting, staring off at the wall.

“I don’t care about the money!” Bob snapped back “This is about our country, I could care less about getting my money.”

“What about Virginia?” Robert said, standing up now.

Bob walked over to the window, now looking out and thinking about how he would tell her.

“She’s going to be scared out of her mind Bob.”

Bob stayed silent, sitting down now. 

“I know….” Bob said quietly, almost to himself. “I have to do this though, I just have to.” 

Six months later Bob found himself right in the middle of one of the most important battles in the war, clashing with the Japanese deep in the Pacific at Midway Island. The Island was a middle point between the US and Japan and served as a strategic position that was seen as a major target by the Japanese. Bob had driven straight home after meeting with Robert and telling him that he was going to enlist immediately to break the news to Virginia. She was heartbroken and scared, but understood as Bob wasn’t the only one that felt the way he did. The enlistment facilities were flooded with men whenever the US entered the war. Bob flew through training and enlisted into the Navy, being a part of some of the first units deployed to the front lines.  

The Japanese planned a surprise attack on the Navy fleets around Midway, trying to wipe out what was remaining of the Navy and gain the position at Midway. But decoders broke Japan's communication and alerted the fleet. The night before Bob was twice as nervous then before any baseball game in his life, knowing how important the next day was and getting exactly what he asked for hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He drifted off asleep thinking about Virginia and the last picnic they had before he left, thinking about the way the weather was perfect that day and how the sunlight came down on her along with the breeze catching her hair perfectly, filling Bob with both the joy and confidence needed for him to get through the coming battle

Bob was woken up before the sun had risen, being alerted to get to their positions. Bob didn’t even have time to think, it was time, this was it. Minutes later planes began flying overhead.

“Three o’clock!” shouted his captain nearby.

Shots started spraying out as bombs were being dropped from the sky. Bob could barely hear himself think as he loaded the machine gun at the bow over and over, it began to feel like the shots would never stop. The Japanese were not expecting the Americans to know about their attack and were caught completely off guard, this was an advantage for the US. The fight was going on for three days with Bob going almost 72 hours with no sleep, but he could go however long it took; he wasn’t losing this one. In his head he began to think about all those games that went down to the wire, he had to dig in and hold his ground. 

“This is no different then a must win game, except there's no other option besides winning.” Bob thought to himself. 

After close to 80 hours of fighting, the Americans had pulled it off. They had held their position and kept control of Midway Island, this was a major win and forced Japan to move their fleet back allowing the US to gain control of the Pacific. 

Bob finished his tour around the Pacific which lasted another 16 months,with no other conflicts or battles along the way. Bob was both disappointed and ecstatic that they were sending him home, since the fight wasn’t quite over and he hated the fact that he couldn’t continue to fight alongside his brothers who he had become very close with, but he had been gone from Virginia for far longer then he ever thought he could go. 

Bob arrived off the coast of California around 22 months after the attacks of Pearl Harbor and close to a year and a half out in the sea. Waiting for him when he arrived was Virginia and Robert, Bob had written them both frequently while away, keeping up with both their lives and the game of baseball which he missed dearly. Once Bob and Virginia made eye contact, Bob instantly was filled with butterflies for the first time since they met. Both Bob and Virginia began to run to one another, embracing for what felt like the longest and most awaited hug of his life. Before Bob knew it Robert was also by his side in which Bob embraced him too and then all three of them were in a bear hug. Bob was above the moon filled with joy and happiness, it felt as if he had been gone a lifetime. 

“So let's talk about that contract” Bob said while chuckling, going in for another group hug.

“Already ahead of you buddy,” said Robert smiling. “Couldn’t be happier to have you back.”

“Couldn’t be happier to be back,” responded Bob, smiling at Virginia as he said it.

The author's comments:

I am a senior in highschool

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