Knighthood | Teen Ink


September 12, 2022
By Jae777 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Jae777 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To become a knight you have to be born noble and start training at a young age. Sir
William was just a young boy and had all the respect he needed. William grew up and became
the fiercest knight in the kingdom.When he fought, he looked for every detail his opponent had.
William grew up and had a family. On a long and dark night, four villagers from outside of the
kingdom came by begging for help. Pleading to do anything if the king offers anyone to help.
The king laughed and looked disinterested. Sir William wanted to help but the king ordered him
not too. If he did not listen he would be stripped from his titles and his family would be banished.
Not helping went against everything he stood for. Knowing what was a stake, he left and helped.
When he returned he found his wife and son kneeling to the king. The king was hurt and angry
that his best knight defied orders. He threatened that if he were to ever return he would kill them
all. Everything the knight had once was gone. Money, respect, and homes they were left with
nothing. What was next?
First, Sir William went back to the place he helped for help. He needed a place for his
family after losing everything. He didn’t know how to do other things because growing up all he
knew was training and fighting. With everything that happened the villagers welcomed him and
his family with open arms. William was tired and didn’t know what life was like besides being a
knight. No matter what he had lost he did not regret it. The villagers offered everything they had,
but he refused. All he wanted was food and a place his family could sleep. William needed to figure out what he could do to help and he did. He helped build fences and trained the villagers
to protect themselves against thieves. Some villagers did not want to dawdle. They wanted to
hunt and find the thieves. William strongly advised against it but that had no meaning. They rode
hard to track the thieves but could not seem to pick up any tracks until they found prints. The
villagers were shocked and in disbelief at what they came by. It was an army, not just any army
but the kings. Knowing there were only a few of them, they could not fight against an army.
They left to warn everyone what was coming. They rode hard with no stops feeling the angry
souls behind them. Coming in hard screaming open the gates as they arrived they called an
emergency meeting telling everyone what was going on. Everyone had fear in their hearts and
thought the knight was a traitor. Screaming and threatening to kill him the knight assured them
that he is not leaving and will stay and fight till his last breath. He offered his council again and
they listened. The plan was to get all women, children, and elderly people safe. The people who
could stay and fight stayed. They would build traps, weapons, and get food. They were preparing
for a long battle. The knight believed this was the way he could get everything he thought he lost
back by protecting and risking his life for a village he barely knew. It was an antithesis time.
William knew one thing and that was his family nowhere near the battle. The son begged to stay
and help fight. He’s been training since the day he could walk just like all other knights. William
told his son that one day he will have his chance but today will not be the day. He told his son to
promise to protect his family. The wife and son left with all the other people. William prayed and
put his armor on when he walked outside everyone was there waiting on orders from him.
William felt as if he was ready to end it that this was his calling as a true knight. William wanted
to use the traps they made as a defense because supplies were limited, they ran to find more
wood for traps. No one knew the land like they did. The king sent a rider and the rider came in
peace to deliver a message to William. William looked in awe. The king wanted them to
surrender or he would show no mercy. William refused and had a message himself. He told the
rider to tell the king. “I am a knight, this is not the end of my knighthood.” Come and get it the
people screamed. William knew the people were not fighters but they had one thing the king did
not. They had the power of love. The king got the message that they would not surrender and
being the king he was he made a brutal mistake. He decided to send only half of his army
thinking the knight and the villagers were not prepared for the army to walk into unknown
territory. The army walked patiently not knowing who or what was in the woods. The knight and
the villagers were hiding waiting on the first trap to work. As the army made it to the first trap
they were stopped but not for long the army was too big to be hurt from the traps. The king
decided to send the other half of the army to push back the knight and the villagers. Knowing the
army was too big they had to retreat. The knight knew the army would have to come through the
gates and fight hand to hand. The king offered one last chance at peace. The knight and the
villagers said nothing and charged towards the army with everything they had in them. Finally
meeting in battle William wanted to take out the king but he was too protected. The villagers
where outnumbered ten to one. The king's army rounded everyone up and wanted William to
kneel. There was a capricious moment. Suddenly, riding hard there he was William's son riding
with an army of true nights he gathered. The king screamed as he knew the battle was not in his
favor anymore. William, his son, and the villagers ascended. Pushing the king and his army
back, the king surrendered. The king's pride was hurt and he offered everything he took from
William back. The king wanted to live and he did. William spared his life and realized everything
he thought he didn't have anymore was still there. William was everything he tried so hard to get
back no matter what he lost he was always a true knight.

The author's comments:

High school kid from Pasadena

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Sep. 14 2022 at 6:39 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Loved William's character...Keep up the good work!!!