Propaganda POV | Teen Ink

Propaganda POV

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Remembering when I was mistreated. I was confused about why so many people gave me good faces and some rude, disgusted faces. Being stamped all over the poles in the cities. Holding the power to shape hearts and minds. Not telling stories through words but telling stories through symbols. One symbol can draw people's attention and become a high rise of emblem movements. The color and vividness are chosen to wake specific emotions and reactions. The boldness of specific text delivers the message that is common to unity. The visual symbols, text, and colors can compel them to act, believe, and follow what they see.

 It's more than just a piece of paper stamped on a pole. It's a narrative that is powerful to one, using the form of vivid and commanding messages. Here we unfold minds and communities using a static image. Knowing how to use certain words to draw people's minds and using a dynamic story that catches their attention. Seeing being passed up by the town daily is seen with a mixture of respect. The symbols become an icon of hope and stability. I knew a few secrets that the town didn’t. Symbols and letters manipulate the town's perception. The leaders of it all come out and take advantage. As they whispered among one another rethinking the message. 

Days later, a young lady travels far and sees new things. She looked at the posters and while speaking her thoughts out loud she said “Why does the end go outwards but it isn't out?” Hearing her questions and the confusion on he face. Seeing the doubt on her face. Is she noticing I'm questioning myself? Being ripped and tossed everywhere due to people's feelings or thoughts. Never judge by their cover always listen and understand. No outsiders are going to understand the symbols, colors, or the scene. 

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