Anne's Diary Entry | Teen Ink

Anne's Diary Entry

May 28, 2013
By Sammy Fielkow BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
Sammy Fielkow BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Kitty,

Today was an appalling day. Father woke me from a sleep at 1:43 AM and told out family that we had to evacuate our house immediately. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, because I thought that he was kidding. I asked him why we had to leave, as he was taking all of my clothes out of my dresser and packing it into my trunk. He said it was because of soldiers that were opposed to Jews. I asked him why the soldiers didn’t like Jews, and he said he would explain everything later. What is that suppose to mean? I had no clue where Father was taking us. He directed my mother, sister and I into our car, quickly packed in a few belongings, turned on the engine and started to drive away. I couldn’t exactly make out where we were driving because it was pitch black out. Father parked the car about 2 blocks down from where we were actually going to be staying. The place had a familiar feel to it. It was almost as I have been there before. We went up many stairs into an attic like place. But it wasn’t an attic. It had two bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen, and a tiny living room. As soon as we got into the attic, I went straight for the bedroom. I must have woken up at about 6:30 because the sun was just starting to rise. Father told me not to stand right in front of the window because we didn’t want the soldiers to see us. I was still very confused on what was happening. When it got a little later in the day, I finally realized where we were. We were at Father’s office in the secret attic. No one else knew about the attic, as if it was only for emergencies. Later that day, Father finally explained what was going on and why we had to stay hidden. The German soldiers, otherwise known as Nazi soldiers, wanted to capture all Jews and kill them. I asked who was controlling them. My father said that this man named Hitler was the leader and wanted a “perfect” race of blond hair and blue eyes. I remember learning about Hitler in school and I was certain that Hitler had brown hair and brown eyes. Why would he want a “perfect” race if he was opposite of what he wanted? It did not make sense to me at first, but when we talked about it and more, it all started to come together. When it became darker outside, Father said that I could take a little peak out of the window. I saw these big, husky men with guns on their backs. Some were walking and some were in jeeps patrolling the road and looking in shops. I was too scared to keep looking out the window so I went back by Father, Mother, and my sister. My mother said that if we stay hidden, we will be safe and have nothing to worry about. I hope she is right and we can go back home soon.

Yours truly,

Anne Frank

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on Jun. 8 2013 at 2:43 pm
nelehjr DIAMOND, Lingle, Wyoming
60 articles 11 photos 379 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Fanfiction about Anne Frank. Interesting concept. My addvice to you is check for small spelling mistakes, and think about how you address the members of your family. In your diary you'd probobly call your mother and father by their pet names. Ie, Mum, Faja, Mom, Dad, Ma, Pop, etc. And then siblings. I have none but don't people who have them refure to them by their first names?