Clouds Are the Way We See | Teen Ink

Clouds Are the Way We See

November 13, 2013
By Shmokie BRONZE, Marlborough, Connecticut
Shmokie BRONZE, Marlborough, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Clouds Are the Way We See
This message has travelled by foot of strongest warrior with speed of great predator in hopes to reach ears of great chieftains. We have watched and witnessed great evil that must be heard along this land. We understand the relations have not witnessed harmony as we have had in past, but we must unify our forces to work like opposing forces of Sun and Moon.

Men of snow came in last season of rebirth. They came on ships of cloud. These ships are size of the greatest tree with full tribes of men on board. We met with them when they arrived. They speak in tongues never heard of. At first meeting they seemed confused. We asked advice of elders, and they told us to pity them. They did not know the knowledge of the Earth. Our acts of kindness are our biggest regret. We show them ways to harness power of soil, they disrespect it. We show them ways of land, they destroy it. They know only to destroy. They destroy with hunger of mother bear. Do not pity them. Inside their soul is not a lazy stream but great white rapids of angry river. Nothing is good enough to calm their waters.

They destroy the abundant Earth to build huts and shield themselves from Her with Her broken carcass. Day and night they dig. We did not know why they dig. They left scars in Her body. They will kill Her. We sent warriors of peace to talk to them and understand why they are hurting Great Mother. They said She will have rock that has value. They could trade the rock of value for more things to live on. The rock of value could be shipped across the sea to distant land they came from. They do not take time to meet the Great Mother. They do not see Her true value.

Our land once shined with the beauty of one million colors. The new men turn colors black. The animals lived in harmony with our tribe. We understood them to be equal amongst our men. We respected them in life and in death. They do not respect them in either. They use their magical sticks to shoot speeded rock through their bodies. The magical rock poisons the body of the animal, leaving it cursed. When they meet big animal in woods, they do not see its beauty. They kill.

They kill all but their precious rocks from Great Mother. Their valuable rock is above all life. They have started to kill us. Our warriors have been scarred by magic sticks because the new men claim Her for their own. They imprison Her with their greed. She is helpless without us. We ask you to unite with our forces to free Great Mother. We hear her weep with each tree that falls as they seek Her value. We see Her dying with each puncture into Her skin. Help us to make them understand that by destroying trees and earth, they destroy the value that they seek.

We see hope for future in clouds. They shine with colors only Sun can create. They remind us of beauty we must protect. Clouds are seen by all, regardless of tribe. Look at clouds when Sun sets. See the beauty. Clouds are the way we see how sensitive Great Mother is. Their colors have no purpose but to remind us of gifts she leaves for us every day. Help us remind them to appreciate Great Mother as we do. We know there must not be peace without peace of all things. The new men will never find peace if they continue to wage war on Her, even through their precious rock. Come with warriors of all kinds. We need force to help them see. After we quell their warriors, we can talk of Mother Earth. Surely they will understand importance of loving all.

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