Juvenile | Teen Ink


November 25, 2013
By Tyson1 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Tyson1 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do it Right Do it Long , Do it Right Do It Light

Juvenile, bolted doors and small circles.
Itching for a hot plate.
Suffering the pain of maturity.

Searching for the new world.
Every eye in sight is a fight.
No maturity to comfort me.
As i am a brick wall.
Heartless , broken , hard to repair
them all.
Transfer from juvenile to prison.
Life is on a thin line.
No listeners for i am a brick wall.
Travel from unit to unit try to fit in.
No letters.
No visitors.
As i soon hope to be released.
Getting sent to the hole.
With no fresh breeze nor trees.
Now i am a scavenger
Search and breed for needs.

The author's comments:
Just something i wrote for class

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