Black Panther Party | Teen Ink

Black Panther Party

February 3, 2014
By Anonymous

On October,1966, the Black Panther Party was founded. They only fought for self-defense against the policemen, who they felt treated them unfairly. They felt that white policemen were very fast to kill a Black for minor offenses. Police brutality as one of the biggest issue they wanted to improve. This is the story of Huey P. Newton.

Dear Bobby Seale,
It was a clear white night, a clear white sky. It was a silent night in the city. I decided to co-found the Black Panther Party for many reasons as you know. Not only did white policemen brutalize us. but we are treated differently in many ways. The FBI labels us as the ‘Public Enemy Number One’. I thought that the Black Panther Party would be a national organization and that Blacks across the nation would see what we were doing in Oakland by driving out the oppressive army of the government. We were trying to increase the conflict that was already happening and that was between the White racism, the police forces in the various Black Communities in the country. We tried to take the conflict to a so high level that some change had to come.

We believed that the police had a history of harassing the black community of the city. The Constitution gave American citizens the “right to be arms” and this is exactly what we did. Man, we wrote the Black 'Panther Party Platform and Program' which laid out what we wanted – full employment for the black American community, full civil rights, good housing, good educational facilities etc. I had to change the movement after i came out of prison, I targeted community issues within the black community that he felt needed addressing. The movement provided free breakfasts for children, provided free shoes and sponsored a school.

In 1974, I was accused of murdering a 17-year old prostitute, Kathleen Smith. I had to bail so i decided to move to cuba and i had to come back to face the charges because i thought that America's climate had changed so i thought that i would get a fair trial. In 1985, I was arrested for stealing federal and state money that had been paid into the Black Panther’s community education and nutrition fund, im sorry Bobby. I also faced the same charge of embezzlement from the funds of a school set-up by the Black Panthers. Yet we still tried to stop police brutality on black people like us. After all we’ve been through, we tried our best, Im proud of the Black Panther Party.
Huey P. Newton

The author's comments:
I'm 13 years old. I live in California. My best friend is Mayra.

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