The Diary of Rosa Parks | Teen Ink

The Diary of Rosa Parks

February 3, 2014
By tehana BRONZE, Watsonville, California
tehana BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its December 1st, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama. This 42 yr-old women boarded a bus on her way home from work. The driver pulled the bus over at a bus to board more passengers. The passengers boarded the bus and there wasn’t enough room so the bus driver move the colored section sign back a few seats so the passengers could sit.The lady didn’t move. The driver asked her to move. She refused. So the driver called the police on the woman and arrested her. This woman is Rosa Parks and this her story.

November 29, 1955
I’m on my way to work. Terrified for my life, because I don’t know when I’m going to get shot down by the KKK. I took the bus to work. It was pretty crowded. I hate these damn bus rules. I don’t understand why blacks have a designated place to sit on the buses and the whites could anywhere they want to. And if there’s not enough room for them to sit, they move the colored sign back another few seats just for them to sit? It just not fair.

November 29, 1955 5:30 pm
It’s been a long day at work today. Its hard being a Negro, in Montgomery, Alabama, working for these white people. You always running around doing what they tell to do. If you mouth back, you in for it good. Sometimes I feel like a Kiss Up. You just get no respect. I just wanna go home to my husband.

November 30, 1955 2:30 am
On my way to work. I’m so tired, these people barely give a day off! I want to say something but if I do, I might lose my job. And if I lose my job, then there would be little or no money coming in a. Being a seamstress is a pretty keen job. At times it just gets too hard for me and my husband. I want to to live a life to where I don’t need to worry about when my boss is going to give me my paycheck, and if I’m going to survive another day another

November 30, 1955 4:38 pm
So far so good. This old lady and her child were too cute . Her son wasn’t listening to her, she was telling him to stop looking underneath the other women dresses. It was too cute. That was the highlight of my day.

November 30, 1955 5:00 pm
On my way home from work. This bus ride home is the worst bus ride home ever. All I see is the heat spaying a group of black men, women, little boys and girls with high water pressure water hoses. The KKK is back in action. They’re burning down building, yelling racial slurs to the Negros. Just causing trouble for us folks. The fuzz won’t do a damn thing about it because they don’t care about us people.

November 30, 1955: 5:45 pm
Great, the bus driver is telling all black folks to get off the bus and walk ourselves home. So all of us black folks got off the bus and walked ourselves home. I was a little bit upset because its really dark out and the KKK is back in action! On my way home I ran into my childhood friend, Oliver. He told me “to get home as fast as I can because the KKK is taking the blacks somewhere,so get home fast!” And he left into the darkness of the night. And that was the last time I saw my friend Oliver.

December 1, 1955 3:45 am
I wake up to pounding on my front door. I open it and it’s OIiver’s wife crying hysterically. She told me that the KKK took him to their hideout and hung him. I started to cry hysterically too. Soon after we had our little memorial for Oliver, Oliver’s wife left and I got ready for work.

December 1, 1955 5:30 pm
It’s been a long a day at work. Work is going slow and flashbacks of Oliver are appearing in my eyes. Man, I can’t believe Oliver is dead in a blink of an eye. Hopefully my boss has the decency to let me go home early.

December 1, 1955 5:45 pm
Thank the Lord, my boss let me go home early!!! I’m going to go catch the Cleveland Avenue bus. Thank you Jesus!

December 1, 1955 6:00 pm
I boarded the Cleveland avenue bus, paid my fare and took a seat in the empty first row of seats reserved for blacks. The bus driver, Blake, reached the 3rd stop in front of the Empire Theater, and several white passengers boarded. The bus driver noticed that there wasn’t enough seats, so the driver moved the colored section sign down so that the white people who were standing could sit. The other colored folks moved, but I didn’t. The driver asked me to move out of the seat I was sitting in. I refused. He asked me again, in a more aggressive voice. But I still refused. so he called the fuzz on me. I didn’t really care because, I’m just so fed up with these white folk bossing us colored people around. A seat is a damn seat! So why the hell should we move?!

December 1, 1955 6:15 pm
The police are here and they’re telling me “To leave my seat now or they’ll arrest me and take me to jail.” I still refused.I asked them, “ Why do you push us around?” He replied with, “I don’t know, but it’s the law and you are under arrest.” So they put me in handcuffs and took me to jail. “I didn’t get on the bus to get arrested; I got on the bus to go home.” Rosa parks said.

Days after Parks arrest, she lost her job and later on she moved to Detroit. And because of this event Parks has won numerous awards and became an icon to the Civil Rights Movement. Sadly, her husband died in 1977. Parks won the NAACP award in 1979, received a Martin Luther King Jr. Award in 1980 and many other awards.

On October 24, 2005, Parks died in her home in Detroit, Michigan, due to natural causes. Even though Parks is dead, her legacy will live on.

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kia@$ said...
on May. 4 2016 at 6:35 pm
Really wst is a wax museum

kkswag said...
on May. 4 2016 at 6:32 pm
I am Rosa parks for the wax museum

kkswag said...
on May. 4 2016 at 6:32 pm
I am Rosa parks for the wax museum