Lost and Found | Teen Ink

Lost and Found

May 15, 2014
By Butteredtoast255 BRONZE, Le Rouret, Other
Butteredtoast255 BRONZE, Le Rouret, Other
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Lost and Found

This is the story of Brian the young 14 year old jew. The boy has two older brothers called Bob and Brad. They were very nice to him. Every time Brian went out he carried a dagger just in case someone tried to abduct him. Brian came from a very wealthy family. His parents were very good friends with the prince and princess of Monaco. Brian's parents owned a massive mansion that looked over the principality. They had the best cars money could buy. Brian went to a private school. It was the best school in the whole of France and Monaco. The loving family were planning on moving to Switzerland to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. Brian's parents had some friends over there that they could stay with until the war was over. Oh ! I never told what the young jew looked like.
Well he looks like a casual fourteen year old meaning that he's 1,63 meters tall,he's got blue eyes,brown eyebrows, a perfectly formed mouth , a mediocrely sized nose, nice muscular cheeks, perfectly white teeth, his head is amazingly placed between his two very muscular shoulders, his hair is blond and curly.
Everyone loved him and his curly hair.
He was admired throughout the whole principality.
It was a Monday morning : Brian was getting ready for school when suddenly bullets burst through the walls , bringing his parents to the ground. They lay there motionless. Bob scurried into his little brothers room and told him to hide in the secret hatch that was in his wardrobe.
He got in and heard screams of horror. He waited a few hours, got out of the closet and pulled a knife from his coat pocket. He scouted the house but found nothing, his suspitions turned towards concentration camps.
His parents told him that if they were abducted to get on a ship headed to Australia, so he went
to the Port of Monaco and got on a cargo ship going to Australia.
two days into the trip Brian learned that he would have to steal food to survive, so every night he would sneak into the kitchen to fill his empty belly.
Before sneaking into the kitchen he would check to see if there were staff but if he couldn't see anyone, he would have to follow his gut feeling.
one week into the trip to Australia the ship stopped in India and got lots of spices and... the most beautiful... glorious... SUGAR !!!
Every night from then Brian filled his belly with chocolate fudge cake and Indian curry.
A few days later he made himself a new friend called Piscine Moretelle who was nicknamed Pi.
When the ship arrived in Sydney Port in Australia, said his goodbyes and was on his way.
For a few days the young jew had to eat scraps from the bins because he forgot his money. What an eejet ! On day Brian was walkink past a TV store and saw that the cargo ship he had gotten off of sank in the South Chinese Sea. A few days later a Japanese family took him in.
On the day of his birthday, Brian got up and burst into tears. His adoptive mom asked what was wrong but said that it was nothing.
He couldn't stop thinking about Bob and Brad.
The next day,the young boy looked for a man on the black market to get him a fake ID to be recruited for the army.
Within two weeks Brian recieved the ID card and set off for the training.
The training was excrushiatingly hard, Brian had to train 10 hours a day, seven days a week. All that work lasted for half a year.
Brian was geared up and sent to Normandie to help the resistance take back Paris.
On his way to Paris, Brian and his fellow soldiers captured the city of Reims but the casualties were heavy. The resistance rested for a few days. During that time Brian contemplated a fair bit on how and where to attack Paris. He came to the conclusion that he would send the soldiers to attack from the East. The battle for the capital raged on for days. Brian was advancing into nazi lines when painfull screams were coming from behind him. He ran back to see who was down, it was sergent Henry Ford. Brian pulled him to safety and called for a medic. Brian was losing men to fast so he ordered them to retreat.
Disappointment and grief were the emotions that were felt by Brian at the time. He felt like his veins were going to burst with rage, the boy broke out a sweat and his face turned red.
The commander of the resistance decided to drop Paris because it was to heavily fortified.
The squad got down as far as Lyon when they encountered nazi soldiers.
Brian and his soldiers hid in the bushes on the side of the road. They were all spotted and captured except for Brian. The soldiers were tortured until they told the the nazis what they wanted to hear. No one spoke so they were all executed.
Brian whent down to Draghinian. Once in the city, he contacted the resistance fighters there to see if there were any concentration camps nearby because Brian had a suspission that his brothers might have been taken there. Their spys had located one in Aix-en-Provence.
Brian got his things and was given an M1911*, a Tommy gun* and some grenades.
Every entry into Aix-en-Provence was blocked by tanks : Tiger tanks. Brian would have to wait until night time to get into the city.
It was around one o'clock in the morning when Brian opened fire. He killed a few guards and snuck into the city.
Suddenly, he heared a nazi scream:
<< Werfen die granaten !>>
Brian was running for his life. He jumped behind a wall, there was an explosion and his ears started ringing.
He felt little pieces of tarmac hit him.
Lights were turning on in the houses. Brian noticed in the corner of his eye a nazi approaching so he pulled out his M1911 and shot him. He put the pistol away and took out his Tommy gun and started shooting more nazis.
Brian suddenly ran out of ammo so he had to make a split decision of reloading running so within a few seconds he legged it. Brian got quite a distance on them so rolled under a car and the nazis ran right past him.
He got out from under the car and spotted a dead nazi with a map that fell out of his coat poket. It said :
"Karte von konzentrationslager"
Brian went all the way aroun Aix looking for the concentration camp undetected.
At dawn, he eventualy found the concentration camp. He was one hundred meters from the gates when he saw two guards watching them.
Brian set off a grenade killing both of the guards and blowing the gates open.
He ran in shooting every nazi he saw. Brian called the resistance to come pickup the prisonners. The soldier was screaming:
"Are Bob and Brad here !"
Two tall, hairy and skinny men walked up to Brian and said :
"Here we are."
Brian told them to follow him. Two helicopters arrived. The boy asked the pilot why there were only two helicopters. He claimed that the rest were shot down by nazi reinforcements. Originally there were ten choppers but eight were shot down.
Brian ordered the pilot to take them to the nearest safe zone two miles away from Aix to treat the wounded.
Once landed in the safe zone they treated the wounded. One or two hours later they heared tanks approaching so he prepared his men for battle.
Brian tried his best to protect the compound he had created. He called air support to bomb the nazis in Aix. Men were falling all around Brian : the wounded,his fellow soldiers and before he knew it he the last man standing, surronded but he kept fighting to buy time for the air strike.
Suddenly Brian's body fell to the floor lifeless

Brian is dead.

The author's comments:
My teacher inspired me to write this.

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