What Happened to Us? | Teen Ink

What Happened to Us?

October 27, 2014
By Anna LaBatt BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
Anna LaBatt BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Thirteen Colonies
Eliora’s Parlour

“Now tell me,” Eliora said, pulling a chair back for herself. “Why are you almost at the point of tears? Is it me? I do not recall wronging you. Or was it without meaning to? Did my inviting you over for tea somehow offend you?”, she laughed.
    “No. It is not you. I just don’t know,” Rosenne paused and twisted the fabric of her faded dress between her nervous hands, “What I can do about Henry.”
    “Well, what happened with Henry?”, Eliora asked, and her blue eyes sparked with the prospect of new gossip.
    “How much of it do you want to hear?” Rosenne said softly.
    “Tell me as much as you want to, Rosenne,” Eliora said, placing a comforting hand on her knee, “If you cannot trust me, who can you trust?”
    “You are such a faithful friend, Eliora.” The innocence and trust in Rosenne’s voice was apparent. She didn’t notice the pang of guilt that flashed across her hostess’s face.
Rosenne continued uncertainly, “Where to begin? Henry stole something he shouldn’t have.”
“Is there anything you should steal?”, was the sarcastic response.
“Eliora! You liked him, remember?”
“Sorry,” Eliora mumbled, “Although I liked him because you liked him. I thought you two were a good match. I did not expect…” she sighed, “ Continue with your story.”
“So he worked at the lumber yard, not for very long actually. He always had this way of bringing his brother into the conversation, you know, the one who traveled Europe and then settled in Britain. He was mad at him. Not sure why really, but Henry must have said some pretty nasty things about him, and England as a whole most likely.”
“No wonder he is without a job!,” Eliora muttered under her breath, “Saying nasty things about England indeed!” she remarked scornfully. “You know, my sweetheart Ashton is from England.”
“So I’ve heard.” was Rosenne’s frustrated reply, “Anyway I think Henry was just jealous of his brother. Although in other moments I have heard him mention the drabness of London and how the people’s minds are fogged from breathing in the polluted air.”
“And you agree with him?” Eliora was absolutely aghast.
“I’ve never been there, I couldn’t say”, Rosenne replied, her voice emotionless.
“I’m surprised at you, Rosenne!”
Eliora seemed flustered. “Well-You’ve always been fascinated with England. You should not let Henry poison your mind. It seems he has been almost vile lately.”
“Do not say such things! And furthermore, do not make it a war between yourself and Henry.”
“I fear that is what it’s becoming. It’s me or Henry. Who do you like better? You know I’ve been your friend for years and years. And Henry… Is he even worth it any more? I mean, he is in jail.”
“But Eliora-”
“-You have been using me for my hospitality. I thought we were closer than this. Now all of a sudden all you can think about is Henry and his wild ideas. What about our friendship? Don’t you value me more than him?”
“It’s not like that. You shouldn’t-”
“You know, I don’t want to hear it! Get out of my house!”
“Excuse me?” Rosenne asked, absolutely incredulous, “Can’t we just talk this out? I mean, we are supposed to be civilized ladies. How come it has become so wrong for me to voice my opinion?”
“Ever since your opinion became so twisted and warped from spending time with,” Eliora paused and glared at her guest, “People like Henry.”
“I’m married to Henry!” Rosenne’s lovely eyes filled with tears.
“And I’m married to Ashton. Who happens to be a British man, who you have no problems insulting! And soon he will be a high-ranking soldier, but you obviously wouldn’t care, since you hate England!” Eliora yelled this last phrase at such a loud pitch that Rosenne’s heart dropped.
“I never said that” Rosenne whispered sadly.
Eliora turned her back to Rosenne. “Just get out of my house. I’m not so sure we should be friends anymore.”
“Eliora…” Rosenne started, but when her former friend glared at her, she knew it was all over.

The author's comments:

Some Historical fiction I wrote. Hope you enjoy it!

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