Rwanda Tragic | Teen Ink

Rwanda Tragic

November 18, 2014
By BeaBeaBea BRONZE, Racine, Wisconsin
BeaBeaBea BRONZE, Racine, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only way to have a friend is to be one

About 56 years ago I was 11. I lived in Kigali, Central Africa with my Aunt Ann. My parents were murdered when I was 8 years old. Until…news flyers were were everywhere it was April 6th, 1994 and the president Junenal Habyarmana plane got shot down above the airport. Revenge was coming from the Hutus. I am afraid this will happen to my Aunt Ann. At least 10,000 were killed a day. This is only the beginning…

It all started when I was out to get some water for my Aunty when all of a sudden there was screaming all over the city and I didn’t know what was happening everything went by so quickly. There were big guys carrying large machetes heading my way, boy did they look mean! It turns out the Hutus were headed for the family next to me. They were screaming their hearts out as I took the two kids with me that seemed about my age. We each ran quickly under a shed as the big man slaughter there family. Bodies were everywhere cuts in their head, horror screams, and blood all aside the road.

It was July 18th and so far there were at least 800,000 bodies piling and piling on top of each other. People were going insane robbing stores for food, Killing people for weapons and making suicide. There were only a hand full left of us in the hotel of Rwanda we had limited of food and were drinking water out of the pool. Also on top of that the electricity has been down for 4 weeks now. I thought to myself “why, why us please someone save us we did nothing wrong women, children and men are dying every day.” I open the gate in search for food hoping I will find some but not likely I will. I was Irrupted by USA tanks and armed men shooting at Hutus as the escorted as to helicopters. We were brought to a Refugee Camp were they provided us with food and water. This is our story…           

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