An adventure awaits | Teen Ink

An adventure awaits

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Chaos erupted through out the territories as more of the enemy's fleet docked and soldiers in bloodred uniforms marched the dusty roads. I was the only one not running around like a headless hen. I in, fact I was curious of their line style. The idea of traveling and exploring new places fascinated me.
"Are you even listening to a word I am saying Elizabeth Ramsey". My governess grasped my hand and wouldn't let go until we made it back to our carriage. Of course I wasn't listening I was to busy daydreaming.
By the time we reached home, it was bare and the furniture we chose to leave behind was cover with a white. The bank had forclosed the house and actioned it off to collect what my father owed in dept. Jameson and Alek waited behind for us. We were the last to go.

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