Memoir of Neighborhood: The Blizzard of 77’ | Teen Ink

Memoir of Neighborhood: The Blizzard of 77’

January 15, 2016
By maxxkempton BRONZE, Clarence Center, New York
maxxkempton BRONZE, Clarence Center, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Friday, January 28, 1977. I was in Mill Middle School, fifth period math on a typical Friday afternoon, with everyone excited to leave school for the weekend. I was wearing my favorite sweatshirt which had a picture of my favorite band, The Who. So far, it has been a very cold winter, and when the wind started picking up, it stole my attention from my teacher, forcing me to look outside the classroom window.  I saw the snow on the ground, which had to be at my waist, being tossed up by the wind.  The wind started to pick up. . .

All of a sudden the announcements came on, “we are having difficulty with the busses so the students should stay put until further notice.” At this point, I started to get a little nervous. In the class, all we really did was talk and we played a couple of games, especially hangman. We talked about the new movie coming out, Star Wars, that everyone was excited to see. I stayed in the classroom until about six o’clock when my neighbor came and picked me up in a silver 1975 Ford pick-up truck. The short ride from the school to my house felt like hours.  I could barely see anything outside the front window of the truck.

When I got home, I found out there was a big snow drift that created a mountain of snow in front of my house. When I walked into my house I saw my mom, who was a really good cook, making soup which sounded really good.  After dinner I went upstairs to get ready for bed, I was exhausted from this long day. The next day I woke up refreshed. I went to go to the window to see all of the snow. As I stole a glance at all the snow I thought of how much fun it could be playing on the huge snow drift hills. My oldest brother, Brian, went to get some food for us at the nearby grocery store called Super Duper. After I ate breakfast, I then went straight to my phone to call my best friend John, who was tall and skinny.

“Hey John, did you see all of this snow?!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, it’s crazy, this is the most we ever gotten” he responded.
“Do you want to come over to play?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Okay, bring your sleds.”
“Alright I will, I think I have a couple of them.”
“Good, meet me at the tree in about ten minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll see if anybody else wants to come, too.”
“Yeah, good idea!”

After I got all my snow gear on I grabbed my sled. Outside, I noticed a chill go down my body, realizing that it was cold out. I then went to the big tree on the corner of my street where I met all of my friends. We came back to the big snow hill in front of my house. We climbed up it and sled down it multiple times, we had races, and we made jumps. Then, we noticed that it there was a snow hill going of the roof so we climbed on my roof and sled down the hill.

This was some of the most fun I had and I thought it was one of the best winters ever. It then started to get really windy when the afternoon came, and that’s when our moms wanted us to come home. After a couple days the storm died out and after a couple weeks the snow melted. There was no more wind, and the large snow hills were slowly disappearing day by day. This became a fun, memorable winter known as the Blizzard of 77’.

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