Mirror Mayhem | Teen Ink

Mirror Mayhem

May 24, 2016
By Anonymous

      Who is this intruder in my home? The little orange cat thought angrily as he stared across the room at the stranger. The intruder lacked the manners it took to look away like any good house guest would have done. Instead, his golden eyes stared right back, glimmering with a hidden taunt.


     Normally, the orange cat would never even have the courage to face off with an ant, let alone a fellow cat. However, today was not the day for unknown invader to come into his domain uninvited. He had already lost his favorite toy, not to mention the dreaded B word. That's right, a bath. Like in a real bath tub and everything.


     The orange cat puffed up in agitation, reliving the traumatic event. First, he had to endure being soaked, but now he had to deal with some hotshot trying to invade his terrority. This invader needed to be taught a lesson. He slowly staked toward the unknown cat with his ears pinned against his skull and his body close to the ground. When he was a tad bit closer, he positioned himself into a deep crouch, his butt wiggling in the air. It was time to pounce on his next victim. Ready....Set....Now!!


     The orange tabby launched himself gracefully into the air, claws at the ready to shed his opponent's blood. His golden eyes were firmly locked on his target, who seemed as though he, too, were leaping into the air. Before he could question how his rival had known about his silent attack, something else happened that he hadn't expected. BOINK!


     His head had smacked right off the mirror that was bolted onto his owner's open closet door. Ow, that really hurt! He was so focused on his newly developed headache that he hadn't heard the footsteps entering the bedroom.


     "Oh, Simba, please don't tell me you attacked the mirror again," his owner said through the onslaught of her giggles as she took in the situation. His golden eyes darted away guiltily, hoping that she wouldn't punish him with yet another bath. He jumped slightly when instead of hearing running water, he felt small fingers slowly stroke him behind his ears.


     "I think after that dangerous fight with the mirror, you need some fresh tuna to celebrate your victory. What do you think, Simba?" The words didn't even fully leave his owner's mouth before he was running off to the kitchen.


     Later, while he was munching away on his prized catch, he sighed happily. Why couldn't everyday end like this?

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