Cassius Diary Entry | Teen Ink

Cassius Diary Entry

May 5, 2018
By bell.f BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
bell.f BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
Tonight is the night of March 14, the eve of the greatest day for everyone. Tomorrow we kill Caesar, but I worry that one of my fellow conspirators is not faithful to Rome. I know that Brutus will do what is best for our country, but he questions my ways. He asked why we arrived hiding in the darkness if we are not afraid. He does not understand that we must always be careful, even though we know what is best. People are still obedient to Caesar, but they will see that he is unfit to rule once we are finished with him. Brutus refused to take an oath and would not let Cicero join our conspiracy tonight. I fear he is suspicious of our plan and does not want to be held responsible if things go wrong. However, things will not go wrong because Caesar’s death is necessary, and the gods are on our side. Caesar is too weak to be in charge, we need someone who is capable of this responsibility. One time, Caesar challenged me to swim across the river in the middle of the storm. Caesar was too weak to swim across by himself, so I had to help him. If he is too weak to swim across a river, then how is he supposed to be in charge of Rome? I know that the people of Rome will thank me for this great favor I am doing for them. Instead of cheering Caesar in the streets, they will be chanting my name by tomorrow.

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