Cassius Diary Entry | Teen Ink

Cassius Diary Entry

May 17, 2018
By Annelisemeyaski BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
Annelisemeyaski BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear diary,
Today is the fourteenth of March, and tomorrow is the day that Julius Caesar will be crowned king. I believe that Caesar is very weak, and he cannot perform the duties that are required of the king of Rome. For example, he once dared me to race him across a river, so I accepted the dare. During the race Caesar could not make it, so I had to save him. He is foolish and not at all worthy to take the crown and rule. He also once had a fever, and he did not stop whining. Guess who had to take care of him? Yes, you guessed I have been planning to kill Caesar on the Ides of March so that he will never become king; therefore, I do not have to deal with him being the king. Caesar is just the same as unnatural light…what a preposterous man. If he becomes king, I shall commit suicide. After we kill Caesar, I have to persuade the people that it was the best thing to do. I needed Brutus on my side because with him we can more easily convince the people that we saved Rome! My plan to get Brutus on our side worked out wonderfully. I also believe we should kill Antony because he is on Caesar's side, but Brutus thinks that is not a good idea because he didn’t do anything wrong. Some people are too kind, unlike me. I am very cold-blooded and headstrong. I want Caesar out of this world because he is a disgrace. I am more powerful and better than Caesar. Why is he receiving all this power? I cannot comprehend. I hope all goes well, and Caesar is dead by tomorrow.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for English class about Cassius' thoughts on the day before the Ides of March.

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