The Kidnapping | Teen Ink

The Kidnapping

December 17, 2018
By DatBoiGold BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
DatBoiGold BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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The uneasy feeling in my stomach was growing as I gained consciousness. My limbs felt heavy. My head was throbbing. Where am I? How did I get here?  I reached out into the seemingly infinite darkness, trying to feel around the inside of whatever I was in, to see if I could somehow identify this place. There’s one thing clear, though, and that is that I was moving. I’ve felt the sensation of moving enough to be able to identify it immediately. Either way- whatever I was in- it was mobile. At this realization, I became frightened. Was... Was I being kidnapped? Or was this a bad dream? 

After a while- maybe fifteen minutes- I felt whatever I was in come to a halt. I had been moving around in this cramped space, but I even stopped moving. My blood ran cold when I heard the voices. Two male voices. They were muffled, but were getting closer, until I heard a door handle being pulled, and moonlight slowly filled my location. And all was clear. 
I had been kidnapped. I was in the trunk of a car. These two men... were my captors. From the little I could see, we were in front of a building. The two started staring at me, and I stared back. 

Then one of the men raised a fist, and my world was darkness once more. 

The author's comments:

This was the first piece of writing I worked on, back in October. Our class had been working on horror stories, and I had missed the day prior. When I came back, our class had already started sharing, so this idea popped into my head. I had a rough draft out in about fifteen minutes, which became this work.

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