My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

December 19, 2018
By Anonymous

2018: The most somewhat extravagant year of some peoples life they get to graduate high school and start their  own life but me on the other hand I have to work trying to get been doing cyber high, community service, and etc. this is the most stressful year of my life and it's only getting less fun.

2017: I miss this year sometimes anyway this fun in a way I got to drive my own car, well that's all I remember doing in this year i went to north, south, east, west everywhere with this car just because I like driving. I had a ‘05 BMW stick shift that's why i liked driving it around because it was stick shift. I lived my life this year

2016: I don’t remember much of this year all i remember is end of sophomore year I had all my friends from elementary in one class and oh yea I had this teacher in world history I don’t remember his name but I do remember the class though he said a lot of weird things to us especially to girls he was a weirdo I don’t know though. Oh I went to Texas to this year for lao new year for my uncles I got to see my cousins their that I used to see everyday in stockton I don't remember what happen though.

2015: I don't remember what happen this year at all I think this is just the end of freshman year I don't know though

2014: The start of freshman year was alright I mean it was cool to me new people not just going to the elementary and see the same people I’ve been seeing for nine years of my life. 8th grade promotion that was fun I felt like a special person for once in my life and didn’t feel like shit and put down.

2013: This is one of those years that I don't remember either it's like a lost memory type of year all I remember is that I lived that year.

2012: This year was a stupid year for me people started saying “ this is the year we’re going to die” so stupid  didn't like this year so let's not talk about this and leave it alone.

2011: This year was okay this year is the year I first started shooting BB guns with cousin and we shot at each other for lao new year and got lots of scars from everyone would have a BB gun and we’d start wars with each other.

2010: Ah a year of good people mostly Obama was president and almost everything was good in life and I didnt have to worry about a thing in my life just had to go on in life and see what would happen.

2009: A year of fun memories to mom and dad gave you a water gun to spray at people at lao new year like little kids you do dumb things that get you in trouble for nothing like sprayed at this one kid and he started crying I was like dude its just water calm down but you know how kids are they get louder and louder and louder until someone gives them attention and help them out.

2008: Went camping for the first time during the summer we went to a mountain and just did usual camping stuff but by night came we had a fire and you know when it pops and stuff like that well a piece popped and hit my mom in the temple and she was just bleeding and it didn’t stop kinda scary thought my mom was going to die but when your little you think when your bleeding or something you think your going to die

2007: One of those years again can't remember what had happen this year but I hope I remember soon.

2006: I definitely remember this year this is the year where I fell off my roof man what a time alright story time, was watching my dad doing something on the roof I don't remember what he was doing but all I know is that he show me how to climb on the roof he showed me two ways the first one was in the backyard where we can climb on the chicken coop and the roof was only an inch for the chicken coop the other way was in my neighbors yard on well it's kind of our yard to but anyways he told me that the one in the neighbors yard was easier than the way he went through the backyard once I was on the roof after 30 minutes because my dad told me to figure it out once I did he just looked at me like you made it he said don't go close to the edge of the roof but you know like the adventurou kid I was did it anyway went as close to the edge of the roof as I could and like a stupid I slipped off of the roof and landed on my back but I didn’t feel anything once I hit the ground but it did knock the wind out of me and I didn’t see for a little bit but I was fine I don't know how but I was.

2005: Start of kindergarten my parents told me that I was calm in there and when they left I just sat there and didn't do anything and they told me I didnt respond to my first name Kel but at the time that's the first time I was called that name the only name I remember I was called by was middle name Alec.

2004: Preschool all I remember was the school was on wilson way that's all I remember and I ate cheerios there that's it.

2003: Only 2 years old don't remember anything and especially anything that happened that year.

2002: Just turned one years old barely started learning my home language laos before english. knew how to count to 20 and knew most of the basic words like “ what are you doing “ and “ I’m hungry” also knew to say noodles.

2001: The year I was born and came into this world I don’t know any events this year.

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