Coming home | Teen Ink

Coming home

February 3, 2019
By Anonymous

I sit in my brothers car and stare out the window. My brother is driving and I am in the passenger seat. It is completely silent in the car besides the slight buzzing that the engine is making. For some reason I thought my brother would be more excited for me to come home from college. Instead he would barely talk to me.  I should of known better the dynamics in our family would never be the same. I shifted to look out the window, so I could avoid any more awkward silence. *ring ring*. I jump from the sudden noise of my brothers phone ringing. He looks down at the phone then back at me and picks it up before I can see who it is. He answers it and is silent for a few seconds. Then he starts telling the person random stuff that does not sound important.

I tune him out, which has become easy over the past few months since I live with four roommates that all talk nonstop. I can feel myself falling asleep, which I let myself do because we still have a lot more driving to do. My daze is quickly broken when my brother Jake starts cursing from the driver's seat. The car starts to skid on ice and it is turning in circles. Jake drops his phone and put his arm over me so I won't fall forward. I brace myself as a big semi truck starts to skid in the other lane. It crashes into our car and my eyes shut.

I open my eyes and see fluorescent lights above me. I try to turn my neck so I can find more clues about where I am, but it is so sore and I don't have enough strength to do it. Finally I

sit up without moving my neck. I realize that I am in a hospital room. Then I piece everything together and I remember what had happened. I start to freak out and worry about where my brother is. The first nurse that walked by I called out to. “Excuse me, where is my brother?” The nurse obviously did not work in my room so she went to get the nurse that handled my files. A nice woman walked in and started to tell me about what happened to me. I had a concussion and I broke my leg and tore three muscles in my back.

The whole time she was telling me about my situation I was only thinking about my brother. Even though me and him were not in the best place, I was so worried about him. When I asked her, her face dropped. Apparently his injuries were way worse than mine. He was in a coma but he was stable and they are thinking he will wake up soon. “Can I go see him?” she immediately helped me sit up and put me in a wheelchair. She rolled me into the room and when I saw him I burst into tears. I sat right next to him and held his hand. Right as I grabbed his hand, it was like magic his eyes started to open.

Three nurses I had not seen before ran in and checked his vitals. He opened his eyes, but looked very confused. I started to talk to him, but he looked at the nurse and asked them who I was and why I was in his room. “What do you mean who am I? I am your sister. What are you talking about?” My eyes start to water again but the nurses escorted me out to go talk in another room. I sat in a chair in an empty hospital room waiting for his doctor to come in.

The doctor walked in and told me a lot of random stuff but he said that he might not remember me for a while but things would slowly come back. It is very unlikely that he will not ever remember you again.

To be continued….


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