When You Left | Teen Ink

When You Left

May 15, 2019
By LilyanEMartin BRONZE, Mt.sterling, Ohio
LilyanEMartin BRONZE, Mt.sterling, Ohio
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I remember the day I met her. I didn’t think she would end up being my best friend. We got partnered up in class to work on our math. She said, “Hi my names Destiny!” I remember I was overwhelmed by how enthusiastic she was. It caught me off guard. I didn't expect the girl in grey sweatpants and a red hoodie to be so bubbly. I simply replied with, “Hey, I’m Lilyan.” We began working on our math. I didn’t know how smart she was.  She started writing answers down. I thought she was just writing down random stuff little did I know she was doing all the math in her head. She didn’t talk much, but when she did she expected everyone to pay attention to her. She would only say things she meant. One day in class she called this little boy in the hallway a brat. The teacher told her she needed to apologize but she refused. She told the teacher she wasn’t going to say sorry, because she wasn’t sorry at all. The teacher got mad and made her go into time out. She didn't care though. The whole time out time we were goofing off. She would turn around and we would make silly faces. We became really close. I was over at her house everyday. I basically lived there. We went everywhere together. The was barely a day we were apart. Your family became my family. My family was your family. We told each other everything. People who had never met us would ask if we were sisters and we would always just nod our heads yes. We planned our futures together. We wanted to go to college I was going to become a dental surgeon and you were gonna be a scientist. When I would ask what kind of scientist you would just say any type of scientist,. I never understood why that is what you wanted. As we got older people told us we would drift apart. We never believed that we would die without each other. Eventually things happened and those people started to be right. Your dad wanted to get back at your mom for things that happened in the past. He told people lies and  had them think very bad things about your mom. We knew that she was an amazing person and thats all we thought mattered. Things got so bad you had to go live with your dad. We talked all the time but we could never see each other because you were never aloud to do anything. You didn't like your dad. I didn't mind him, I understood his motives in his decision making. I tried to tell you that he only wanted what was best for you. You would only get upset so I gave up. Eventually we would only take three maybe four times a week. The ending of our friendship was inevitable. I didn't think it would end how it did though. You hadn’t answered my calls for a week. I thought maybe I had made you mad or something. I wished that would have been the case. We could have talked it out and got over it. On Saturday I was in the car and a private number called me. I usually don't answer those calls but for some reason I had a feeling I should answer this one. Your little sister on your mom’s side of the family was on the other end of the phone. What she said still replays in my mind every day. I asked her why you were ignoring me. She started to cry and said “I'm so sorry Lil. I hate to tell you but Destiny was killed.” I didn't know how to react. I didn't know what to say. I was feeling so many emotions at once. I was sad, confused, angry, and in disbelief. I told your sister I’m sorry that she has to go through this and I’m here for her if she ever needs anyone or anything. We talked for a little bit and then she had to go. Once she hung up is when it really hit me that my best friend was gone. I sat there not knowing what to do or say. I was absolutely devastated. I didn't know who I was going to talk to anymore.   

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