Awkward Encounter | Teen Ink

Awkward Encounter

May 16, 2019
By AirChris BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
AirChris BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I went through the drive thru of a Sonic, I was thinking of what I should get. Then when I was ready to order I started talking to the lady over the speaker. However, my speech impediment was making it hard for me to speak clearly and I could hear the workers laughing in the back. This deterred me and I sped away the line with no food. As I was driving off I felt bad for being disrespectful, but at the same time I feel like they deserved it so I felt good. It was a sort of paradoxical situation. I told myself “damn that felt awfully good,” I thought that was the perfect oxymoron to describe the situation.

As I drove out the parking lot I saw this girl on the corner of the street. So I waved and she made this weird face so I slammed on the petal. I didn’t want to deprave the situation so I just left. I also didn’t want to hurt my precious vehicle because that would be considered sacrilege to me. However, since I believed that I messed up I performed valediction and said goodbye. I looked in my rear view mirror to validate my farewell, and all I could see was her walking the opposite direction.

I was driving down the street and all I could do was think about her even though I just saw her about 5 minutes ago. I said to myself” dang, I should've stopped.”  I then did what any other person would do for someone that they love and did a quick u-turn. However, since I wasn’t really thinking I didn’t see the no u-turn sign or the cop at the corner of the street. As I made the u-turn my tires burned out and my car almost went sideways. I had put my life in jeopardy. I grabbed the wheel with a firm grip and started to drive like nothing happened, and I guess the cop didn’t see me because i saw no lights behind me.

I drove past this Asylum and these people outside looked at me all weird. As the people from the Asylum looked at me I could tell they were having a hard time because my windows were tinted, so they looked opaque. However, they were really just translucent. I kept on going and as I got to the corner of the street, I saw the cute girl. I started to drive slower and then pulled up next to her, trying to make it as less awkward as I could. I guess her mind performed convergence because she was heading towards my car. It was not on the level of consummation but it was still a step up from what I had before.

As she opened the door handle of my 1969 mustang that had welded on doors I had a pretty big smile on my face. However, I didn’t want to cleave myself to soon because I just met her.

As I spoke to her my speech impediment came back and she wasn’t to amused by it. I then turned wretched and told her to please get out. It was kind of wanton of me but I was very sad.

After everything that happened I thought I didn’t have a chance to bounce back. However, I had a anagnorisis moment and realized I was going for the wrong thing the whole time. The girl was like an epiphany to the last girl which did me wrong.

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