Watermelon spill | Teen Ink

Watermelon spill

May 17, 2019
By nolanrichardson BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
nolanrichardson BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The story is that the yellowish van lost control of the wheels because of all of the water. The day before the spill it rained 10 inches of rain before the driver took off somebody told him to be careful because of all the rain. So few minutes before the spill he almost hit a semi that is in the back of the picture the driver of the van had to swerve away from the semi so he wouldn't hit the semi so the consequences that all of the watermelon spilled out of van. That is the story but here are the full story below.

At 12:00 a.m. tuesday Nolan said “ hey Barret we should load the watermelon in the van so we can go to Costco and Kroger tell Charlie to hurry up so we can leave when the watermelon are loaded. And also tell Bradley to hurry up so he can load the watermelon.” Nolan hung up.

Barrett called Charlie “ hey man hurry up so we can leave when the watermelon gets loaded. And also call Bradley to hurry to get the watermelon loaded.” Charlie says “ okay I will call Bradley.” Barrett hanged up.

Charlie calls bradley “ He man hurry up to get the watermelon load.” Bradley says “ Okay man I will load the watermelon.” Charlie says “ okay good.” Charlie hangs up.

Nolan tells charlie and barrett “ when bradley gets the watermelon loaded we will leave but we will have to be careful.”

Then bradley put the watermelon in the van so Nolan, charlie and barrett could leave. Before they left they checked the news to see how much it rained but nolan, charlie and barrett did not want to check the new but they had to because there boss told them too if it rained a lot. What they really wanted to do is to go out and drive. When they left they turned on spotify and played some rap. They turned up the volume and blasted the music and had fun. They were close and nolan loses control of the van so nolan had to swerve so the van wouldn’t hit the semi that was pulled over on the side. After nolan swerve the back door of van opened and all of the watermelon flew out of the van so nolan parked the van.`

Nolan, barrett and charlie said “ Ohh crap lucky we didn’t rammed into the semi.” So nolan, charlie and barrett started to pick up the watermelons. Then henry come out of the semi that was pulled over. Henry said “ dude you almost hit me.”

Nolan could tell henry wasn’t happy. After nolan, charlie and barrett picked up the watermelon and then they packed it all up and they drove off and deliver the watermelon to kroger and costco. Before nolan, charlie, and barrett he gave henry his number.  When nolan, charlie, and barrett made it to cosco the store manager who was bryce and also bryce owned a Wii store also. Bryce was their friend so nolan told the story why they were late.

Bryce  said “ok” so he showed them where to unload the watermelon. Nolan said “ thank you friend” and he told barrett, and charlie to unload the watermelon and they did so then nolan told bryce “ that they were leaving”. Bryce  said “ ok, thank you for unloading the watermelon”.

Nolan gave bryce his number so the store manager could call nolan and asked where he was so bryce knows when to get people to help nolan unload the watermelon. When they made it to kroger Nolan had to tell the store manager who was their friend austin and nolan told austin why they were late.

Austin  said “ that it was good that they didn’t hit the semi truck” and he showed them where to unload the watermelon. Nolan told austin “ thank you”. Nolan gave austin  his number so if Nolan was late again he could call him and ask nolan where he is so austin would know when to get people to help nolan unload. Nolan, charlie and barrett made it back to the farm where they grow watermelon, carrots, tomatoes, ect the farmers that grow the crops that they deliver. The farmers are local people they are a married couple which are Mrs.Kaiser and her husband. The next week nolan, barrett, and charlie got a call from there boss  who was paul saying that they did a good job for getting the watermelon there but next time they should wait till the water is dried so they won't almost get in a car accident again or something worse. The nolan woke up the next morning happy that he's doesn’t have to deliver today bt then he sees austin and bryce and they look unhappy.

Nolan says “ bryce and austin what's wrong” then bryce and austin says “ somebody stole the watermelon”. Nolan wakes up charlie and barrett.  Charlie and barrett both say at the sametime “ why are you waking us up really early on a saturday”.

Nolan says “ somebody stole the watermelon”. Charlie and barrett say “ WHAT! ”. “ I know I can’t believe it ether”  nolan says. “What will we do” barrett and charlie say at the same time.

We will have to call the police or something better. “WHAT IS IT “ yell charlie and barrett.  “ We call sophie and jaylee “ nolan says. “ WHAT” barret says. “ WHY” charlie.

“ Why do we call sophie and jaylee “ charlie and barrett says. “Because they can help us and they are our friends and they are better than police or detectives” nolans says.

So nolan calls sophie and jaylee they answer “ what do you want nolan” sophie and jaylee say together. “ I need you to come over because we have a situation that happen at krogers and costco yesterday night” nolan says. “ Okay we will be over there soon” sophie says. 20 minutes later sophie and jaylee arrived. They both say “ so what is the situation”.

Nolan tells bryce and austin to tell sophie and jaylee what happen. Austin tells sophie and jaylee that someone stole the watermelons.  Sophie and Jaylee said “ What”. So Nolan asks do austin and bryce have security cameras. Austin says yes and bryce says yes to.

Nolan calls Ian that is a banker but he also robbs banks but nobody catches him. Nolan calls him so he can help catch the robber that stole watermelon. Nolan calls ian “ hey Ian  I need your help with something” nolan says. Ian says “ I can help you what is it” ?. “ Somebody stole the watermelon that we delivered to costco and kroger and the managers are bryce and austin when can you get to my house” nolan says. “ okay i will be there soon around 30 min” ian says. Nolan says “ okay”.

Ian gets too nolan houses around 30 mins after the call. Ian talks to nolan “ hey so what are we dealing with” Ians says. Nolan says “ the dude is very tall”.  Sophie, jayle and Ian says “ okay”. Ian says that he will need to see the security cameras and sophie and jaylee says that they are going to the crime scene to see if they can get any fingerprints are dna from the robber. Then sophie and jaylee found some people that saw the person after the robbery.  His name was paul and he worked at mcdonalds and his job was the cooker. Paul was a person that sold watermelon seeds. Sophie and Jaylee thought paul was the person who stole the watermelon.

So sophie and jaylee ask paul questions and paul said that he is innocent so sophie and jaylee got a lie detector and paul was telling the truth about how he didn’t steal the watermelon. Sophie and jaylee found another person his name was hunter and hunter owned a wrestling store that gives lessons and gear for wrestling. Hunters store was right by cosco. So jaylee asked hunter if he saw who did it and he said no so jaylee left hunters store. But hunt new who stole the watermelon hunter just  lied so that person won't get caught. Then right after jaylee left the person went out of his hiding spot and the person was Jaime. Jaime stole the watermelon. Hunter told jaime that he should stay in his wrestling store for awhile. Until jaylee or sophie or anybody comes to see if hunter was lying. After jaylee walked out of the store she realized that she forgot to ask a question so she turned around and saw jaime she thought he was just a customer. So she kept on walking. So ian and sophie and jaylee meet up at nolan’s house like they promised. Nolan asked sophie to and jaylee if they found anybody and nolan asked Ian if he found and fingerprints or anything else to helping them find the person who stole the watermelon. Ian found some hair of the person. The person's hair was pitch black and ian’s gave the hair sample to sean ian’s friends who is a scientist. Sean realize that the hair was a foot hair because jaime was taking a bath in watermelon. Sean yelled “ THAT IS NASTY”. Sean called Ian and told him that the hair was a foot hair it is covered in watermelon. Nolan, sophie, jaylee, barret, charlie, bradley, austin, bryce all went to mcdonalds and the person that took their order was jordan and he “ said what do want”. Nolan order a big mac and a chocolate mocha, sophie order a 20 piece chicken nuggets with a cold coffee, jaylee order a chicken sandwich with a dr pepper, barrett order a  with a, charlie order a with a, bradley order a big mac with a sprite, austin didn’t order anything he told him he would trade a baby for a big mac with a chocolate milk, bryce order big smokes with a sprite cranberry jordan said “ Your order will be messed up” in a depressed voice. They all “ said okay”. They all got their food and they ate all of their food and they talked about what they have to do to find the person who stole watermelon. Everybody went home and they all slept they woke up the next day at different times nolan woke up really early and he went for a run to get stuff out of his head. Charlie woke up before barret and charlie ate breakfast and after nolan was done with his run and came home he and charlie tossed baseball because they played baseball for they same major league team which is the yankee’s. It’s their So they tossed for awhile. After an hour they hit each other grounders, pop-ups.They did that for a couple of hours. That is their daily routine sometimes they do catching work too. Barrett woke up before they began doing their grounders and pop-ups. Barrett went to they soccer goal they have that they built all together. Barrett plays for FC Cincinnati. So after everyone was done the all took showers and waited for everyone else to get their so they can talk about what they are going to find this guy. Everyone arrived at 10:00 a.m. They discussed that somebody has to know know who he is and where he is. Ian got the security camera videos and they check it again and again they found that he walked out the east gate so they tried to find security cameras in the vicinity and they did find some and they checked them and they looked at the videos and they got a really small glimpse of the dudes face face so they tried to get a match of the face but they didn’t. So they went back to the crime scene to get an idea if where the thief went after he stole the watermelon. At that point, Adam was walking by. He was quickly stopped for questioning. “Did you see anything,” Sophie asked. “Nah,” Adam replied. “I was coaching a pee wee soccer game. We won 11-6. Ain’t nobody want the smoke.” Nolan was walking back towards the McDonald’s as he got run over.  he went to the hospital because he got into a collision at the plate and they think he broke his arm. So he went to the hospital and met Ellie and she asked him what happen nolan told her the whole story so she said okay and took him to the x-ray room and they took x-rays. They found out that he broke his collarbone so he is out for the rest of the season. Nolan told elli thank you to her for the x-rays and the brace. Nolan called charlie to pick him up. So 20 minutes charlie came to pick up nolan and charlie asked nolan what he broke and nolan told him. Barrett came home really late and he had a knee brace on and was on crutches. Nolan asked barret what happen barrett told him. Nolan tells barrett and charlie that he will have to get surgery in three days and nolan’s surgeon is dr. Aidan Bolton. So it's been three days so nolan asked charlie if he can drive him to the place where nolan will be in surgery and charlie says that he will and he takes nolan to the place and Dr.Aidan Bolton tells nolan that it will be fast and nolan says let do this and Dr.Aidan puts nolan to sleep and fixes nolan collarbone. It took Dr.Aidan an hour and a half to fix nolans collarbone. Nolan wakes up in a hospital bed in a room and he is still tired but he tries to sit up and he does but it takes him forever to sit up. Dr.Aidan tells him that he is out for the rest of the season. Nolan is sad but he says that is okay and he asks Dr.Aidan if he has to do physical therapy Dr.Aidan says that nolan will have to do physical therapy for a couple of months. So nolan went home and jaylee and sophie where their at nolan’s, barrett's and charlie’s home and jaylee and sophie told nolan that they found another person. Hi’s name is Jose Juarez and he told that he saw the watermelon thief go into hunters store. So nolan got up and got barrett and charlie to get into the car and they followed sophie and jaylee. They went to hunters store. They saw some other people that they asked questions and their names were cameron, lillian, Jose Payne, Kayla, alyiah, aidan, and tegan. Sophie, jaylee, nolan, barrett, charlie and ian asked all of those people if they seen the thief that stole the watermelon. They all said yes. So nolan, sophie, jaylee, charlie, and ian went in to find the thief that stole the watermelon. They found him so they found him and told him why did you steal the watermelon. Jaime which is who is the thief that stole the watermelon. Jaime said “ I stole it so i can make some money for my mom because she is ill. Nolan said “ it’s okay we will tell the police that we couldn’t find you. Jaime said “okay”.

The End

The author's comments:

This story was a mentor text that I didn't know i was going to go through and i did. I kept on writing because I liked the story. I told my brother he was so excited and my brother has cp and it affects his legs.

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