The First Day Fight | Teen Ink

The First Day Fight

July 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Darius had his first day at high school and got home he set his backpack down and looked around the house for his mom instead he found a post it note on the fridge saying that she was out for the night and that dinner was in the fridge.He then rushed to his room and went to call his best friend marcus to come over for the night because his mom wasn’t home. Soon after he heard the door bell ring and rushed downstairs to get the door.

Marcus told Darius that he was starving so they made hot dogs and swam in his pool. Then when they got tired they went to bed. The next morning they got up at 6 to go wait for the bus. 

They soon enough got picked up by the bus and got dropped off to school.When they got to school a guy walked up to Darius and said,”hey did you write your name in my notebook?” Darius said “no I didn’t”. The guy said,”isn’t your name Darius?” Darius looked at hi and nodded and soon enough the guy punched Darius in the face and continuously kept punching him. 

Marcus seeing that all of this was happening so fast was in shock of what was going on.Marcus quickly put his arms on Darius and pulled him back. The guy stopped hitting him and left with rage filled inside of him. Darius screamed at Marcus saying “I didn’t need your help!” Darius ran away while everyone was staring at his bloody face.The rest of the day Marcus thought to himself should I have not helped him? During the end of the day he saw Darius crying in the gym Marcus ran up to him and said “man i’m sorry I pulled you away from the fight .“and Darius said,” it’s okay, I know you were just trying to help.” Marcus told Darius that they should both go confront the bully and tell him that they were not the ones that wrote in his notebook. 

The next day at school they both were trembling with fear that the bully might punch them again but the guy actually came up to them and said “my mistake man it was my friend who wrote in the notebook Marcus and Darius’s jaws dropped to the floor when they heard that and then laughed it off.

The author's comments:

This is a piece that relates to the everyday struggles of the first day of school for teens in high school

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