The Lesson | Teen Ink

The Lesson

September 18, 2019
By korinagutierrez BRONZE, Forest Hill, Texas
korinagutierrez BRONZE, Forest Hill, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Juliette and Eddie have always wanted the best for their daughter Abby and recently Eddie hasn’t been doing good money wise which means they have to move once again. After many sleepless nights considering job offers, Eddie and Juliette have decided to move to Arizona in search for that American Dream. However, Abby has overheard and is not happy. She has a plan.

Monday comes and they are on the road. Juliette tells Abby to set up the GPS in order to receive the fastest route to Phoenix, Arizona. Before starting up the GPS, Abby tells her parents that she is old enough to live by herself and doesn’t depend on them anymore so before taking the last exit she asks her dad if she could stay back home and as you may have guessed it, the answer was no once again so Abby begins to think of way to prove to her parents that she is old enough to be all by herself without the help of her parents. A few minutes after brainstorming she decided to shut the GPS off and begins giving her parents new directions calling them “short cuts” when in reality she is giving directions based on what she remembers from her geography class.

As a result, Eddie and Juliette find themselves speechless, they have found out that Abby wasn’t giving them the GPS route but instead her directions. Juliette starts to worry for her family mainly because they are lost in the middle of nowhere and can’t find a nearby gas station and on top of that the sun is going down and they get no service. Eddie begins to drive in hopes of finding a spot where they can get service, while driving he begins to lecture Abby telling her that what she did was unacceptable and immature. “I don’t understand why you can’t take no as an answer, you are as stubborn as a mule,” is what Eddie finds himself telling Abby as she giggles quietly. Juliette can’t help but to get in the conversation, she begins to make Abby understand that just because she recently turned 18 doesn’t mean she knows it all.

After trying to get her point through for hours Abby still believes that she knows it all. Juliette and Eddie begin shoving words down her throat making her come to terms with reality. Abby notices that she has service once again on her phone so what she does is doesn’t say a single word and starts up the GPS. A few minutes later the GPS announces that they are five minutes away from their new home. In those five minutes Abby comes to terms with herself and realizes that turning 18 doesn’t make her any older or any younger, she still needs her parents and no matter the age she will never “know it all.” Abby apologizes to her parents and promises them a new beginning in their new home.

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