A World of Unknown | Teen Ink

A World of Unknown

October 9, 2019
By 1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wandered forward, gently dipping my feet into the crystal, clear blue water of Maui.  My legs feel foreign, a mysterious visitor wandering into a world filled with unknown. The wet sand squishes under my weight, and leaves me questioning what else has been undiscovered. A fear grows inside of me. The fear envisions a creature. I picture it with skin that looks like silk as it glistens in the water with jagged pearly white teeth, and fins that look razor-sharp to the touch.

I take another step, inching away from the security of the shore. As I get deeper into the water, I feel swarms of minoes brushing up against my feet as if they came by to welcome me. The sun beaming on my skin, as it reflects against the water, tempting me to get in. The vigorous current dragging me in, never wanting me to leave. The force pulls at my ankles, and pulls me forward and the sense of wonder and exploration wills me to take another step into the increasingly murky water. I shove the picture of what could be lurking just underneath my feet from my mind.  

The fresh gentle breeze weaves through my hair, making my hair feel course with salt water. I take it in. The warmth of the water embraces me. It’s like a hug making me feel like I’m home. 

A graze scrapes my legs and the thought of what might be lurking underneath the water snaps back into my mind.  Could it be a piranha getting ready to feast? Could it be a crab with it’s sharp claws ready to snap at any moment? Or worse, could it be the Loch Ness monster, the one I fear in meeting? The terror creeps up causing me to shiver. I refuse to make sudden movements. Unexpectedly, I feel the creature wrap around my leg. My breath shortens. I slowly look down to face the monster.

“Ahhhh!” I shriek as I see a mysterious green mass from the corner of my eye. I run out of the water trying to escape my biggest fear. I look back at the green mass and notice it across the shore. I lurk forward and come to the realization that it is only seaweed and look away with embarrassment.  

I take a deep breath, slowly moving forward. Dipping my feet into the crystal, clear blue water, I feel ready to face anything that comes my way. Being able to catch a glimpse of nature’s pure wonders is worth the risk.

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